Perry = Pander Bear

Rick Perry is scared that he’s going to be nothing more than an asterisk in the race for the Rethuglican-Confederate-Teabagger party nomination for President. So much so that he’s now pandering to the extreme right wing for votes in Iowa. He is running the following gay-baiting ad on TV out there. Click through….
Happy DADT Repeal Day!
The repeal of the discriminatory Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell law will be officially certified today.
Chris Coons Continues To Impress
Coons used the Huffington Post to release the first draft of the “serious close” portion of a speech he gave at the Washington Press Club Foundation’s Congressional Dinner. I wasn’t sure where he was going with it, but the example he used to illustrate his point brings it home. Read it and try to imagine […]
Homophobes Last Stand against DADT
Captain Oveur: You ever been in a cockpit before?
Joey: No sir, I’ve never been up in a plane before.
Captain Oveur: You ever seen a grown man naked?
Virginia is for Haters – UPDATED
Ardent homophobe, Virginia Delegate Bob Marshall (Neanderthal-Manassas) is so pissed off about the repeal of DADT that he is planning to introduce his a ban on any “active homosexuals” from serving in the Virginia National Guard. Delegate Robert G. Marshall said the Constitution reserves states with the authority to do so and that he’ll introduce […]
DREAM Act/DADT Repeal Cloture Vote Soon

The cloture votes on the DREAM Act and the DADT Repeal should begin at around 10:30. Chris Coons is presiding over the Senate right now.
Reward Good Behavior – DADT Repeal Passes House
The standalone DADT repeal bill passed a House vote today 250-175. Mike Castle was one of 15 GOP representatives to vote yes.
DADT On The Move
Via Greg Sargent: This was uncertain as late as this morning. But just now, in a briefing with reporters, Steny Hoyer confirmed it: House Dems will indeed introduce a stand alone bill this week to repeal don’t ask don’t tell. Hoyer said that House Dems will introduce a repeal bill that “reflects the Lieberman-Collins bill […]
There Are No More Excuses
The Pentagon’s DADT repeal report was released yesterday. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates came out strongly in favor of repeal and urged Senators to repeal the policy this year.
Congress Is Out Of Excuses On DADT
The results of the Pentagon study on the repeal of DADT found that >70% of the military supports the repeal.
Friday’s Asshat of the Day
Who remembers Judge Roy Moore? He was the pre-teabag Alabama Supreme Court Justice who refused to obey a Federal court order to remove a monument of the 10 Commandments from his courthouse. He not only lost the case, he lost his job. Well, it seems as one of his acolytes, Alabama Supreme Court Justice Tom […]
Washington Times Compares Gay Soldiers To Wheelchair-Bound Soldiers
The Washington Times writes a truly bizarre and offensive editorial defending DADT.
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