Tag: Debt Ceiling

We Hit The Debt Ceiling Today

Filed in National by on May 16, 2011 11 Comments

In case anyone cares. In the meantime, the hostage strategy will continue to play out — Republicans are threatening to create a recession, on purpose, unless Democrats give them a whole lot of unspecified spending cuts. If Dems fail to comply with the demands, the GOP will refuse to act and on August 2, we’ll […]

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Debt Ceiling “Insanity”

Filed in National by on January 3, 2011 4 Comments

Are there any grown ups left in the Republican Party? Dealing with the debt limit “as adults” doesn’t appear to be going well. This morning, two right-wing lawmakers — Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) and Rep.-elect Mike Kelly (R-Minn.) — reiterated their opposition to raising the debt limit on CBS’s “Face the Nation.” Soon after, Sen. […]

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