Tag: Delaware Blogosphere
Point and Laugh for 4/24
Dana says that our enemies do worse, so torture is okay. A commenter who shows some common sense says: When I was six years old, Dana, my mother taught me that just because someone else does it, doesn’t mean I should do it. Congratulations, the United States is not quite as bad as the Taliban, […]
Anonymous Blogging
We’ve had our arguments in the Delaware blogosphere about anonymous blogging, sometimes with outings, sometimes not. But at the end of it all, I believe we’ve agreed to disagree. Not so in Alaska. Apparently an Alaska State Representative took it upon himself to out the creative force behind Mudflats. Shouldn’t a state representative have more […]
Video from the Markell Event
Jack Markell discusses the stimulus, Vince Meconi and civil unions. This should put to rest any idea that he is wishy-washy on civil unions. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lnh7IwaO81c[/youtube]
Credit Where Credit Is Not Due
Steve Newton of Delaware Libertarian has written two recent posts (more on his latest posts at the bottom) on the Glenn Beck organization We Surround Them. In the first post Steve appears far more concerned with those who take Beck and Norris seriously, claiming that it’s those (read:us) attempting “to stereotype everybody who disagrees with […]
Jindal’s Belief in Hogwash
Since we are celebrating the 200th annivesarty of Charles Darwin’s birth, it’s time to bring this video clip back to the forefront. Gov. Bobby Jindal, a Republican minion favorite, supports the teaching of Intelligent Design in direct contrast to our Constitution as seen in the Kitzmeiller v. Dover Area School District et. al decision (pdf). […]
End of the Year Polling
Here it is, the Mother of all Polls. Cast your vote for each of the categories. Polling closes at noon on the 31st. Polling is closed. Thanks for participating.
Tune in on Monday
On Monday, I will open polls for all of the remaining 2008 categories. Currently, we have the Scandal of the Year post open (this will close at 5PM today). So be sure to show up tomorrow and vote for the rest of the categories, including Blog of the Year.
Cast Your Vote For Scandal of the Year
Here are the nominees. Sorry if you don’t like the choices, but we are way more inclusive than The Academy.
A Candle in the Wind
Take a moment to stop over and read Dominique’s post on the tragic loss of her daughter, Ashley. Take tissues with you.
Looking Back at Kavips
I love reading Kavips. I am honored every time I am mentioned by him. So when DD suggested that you would have to have been a true believer, I remembered a post that Kavips had done last year, making predictions about how the blogosphere in Delaware would line up for the election. It’s a lot […]
Bush’s Midnight Raids
Suzanne, over at Redwaterlilly’s Ramblings, is documenting the atrocities. And it is nothing less that a full-blown assault on environmental quality and worker’s rights for rules he couldn’t get done during the light of day. So the Worst President Ever is working at doubling down on that legacy. Nice blogging, Suzanne!
Another Fishy KWS Lie
Brian Shields, of The Mourning Constitution, has blown a huge hole in the excuse that Karen Weldin Stewart campaign manager, Elliot Jacobson gave for her defaulted credit cards. Her campaign racked up debt before it existed. Good trick.
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