Tag: Delaware FY ’16 budget

Delaware General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up: January 27-29, 2015.

Filed in Delaware by on January 30, 2015 11 Comments
Delaware General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up: January 27-29, 2015.

As a would-be oligarch, Jack Markell introduced a proposed budget that will make him a welcome guest at Chateau Country’s finest soirees. As a putative Democrat, his budget is disgraceful and indefensible.  Guess whose taxes will increase? Seniors who get a modest tax break on their homes. That’s it. You know why that break was implemented in the first place? To make seniors less likely to oppose public school referenda due to the impact it would have on their fixed incomes.  For Markell, it’s a two-fer: Screw seniors on a fixed income and make it harder for public school districts to raise funds.  BTW, it’s time we face reality.  We really are an oligarchy and not a democracy.  Take some time to read this, and then come back.

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