Tag: Delaware

Brandywine Valley Drive of a Lifetime

Filed in Delaware by on August 1, 2009 6 Comments
Brandywine Valley Drive of a Lifetime

The National Geographic Traveler magazine has a feature called Drive of a Lifetime, and the Brandywine Valley makes this list in this month’s issue.

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We’re Back! (All of Delaware Breaths a Sigh of Relief)

Filed in National by on July 21, 2009 21 Comments

We’ll have to check to see if some wingnuts tried to bring us down or what.

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Okay. Mike Castle is our Next Senator. It has been decided on high.

Filed in Delaware by on July 14, 2009 6 Comments

All the signs are pointing to a Castle Senate run and I appears that the fix is in. Just check out the Newark Post coverage of the AMTRACK stimulus event:

The Amtrak Bear Car Shops took time out to celebrate the completion of the first passenger car to be rebuilt with stimulus funds.

Sen. Thomas Carper, Gov. Jack Markell and U.S. Rep. Mike Castle joined Amtrak CEO Joseph Boardman and employees at the sprawling complex off Route 40 to tour the rebuilt car that was funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

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Another Letter To Celia – Less Snarky This Time

Filed in Delaware by on July 13, 2009 26 Comments

Ms. Cohen, As the announcement that Michael Castle will be running for the US Senate draws closer, we, your fellow Delaware Political bloggers, urge you to address some concerns we have regarding the objectivity of your reporting. Specifically, we want you to disclose who is funding your work at www.Delwaregrapvine.com and how much they are […]

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UPDATED: WDEL 1150AM 1pm to 4pm / July 13th – 17th – Be there

Filed in Delaware by on July 13, 2009 12 Comments

UPDATE: I have to urge everyone to tune in and listen to Matt Denn this afternoon. The guy is funny as hell and very unguarded for a politician. He is also a sports nut (but hates hockey with a white hot passion) so he might be able to answer any Philly sports questions that are nagging at you provided they are not about hockey.


Normally at that time and channel, the airwaves are being polluted by the execrable Rick Jensen. However, with Jensen having puss drained out of the growth on his back this week, the show looks promising.

Monday (7/13) – Delaware Lt. Gov. Matt Denn
Tuesday (7/14) – Tyler Nixon, Libertarian Party of Del.
Wednesday (7/15) – Del. State Rep. Deborah Hudson,
former State Senator Charlie Copeland &
Republican Party of Delaware chairman Tom Ross
Thursday (7/16) – Delaware Governor Jack Markell
Friday (7/17) – Wilmington Mayor Jim Baker

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The New Rules

Filed in Delaware by on July 12, 2009 45 Comments

Welcome to Delaware Liberal 3.0. Along with the site redesign, we have decided to grant a complete and total amnesty to all previously banned or moderated commentators out there who have broken our site rules in the past. Why? Because we wanted to post iron clad and transparent rules for commenting on Delaware Liberal so […]

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Deep Return To Delaware Thought

Filed in Delaware by on July 10, 2009 12 Comments

My God! Western Sussex County from the MD line to Kent is a festering hell hole. (If the parts visible from Rt 13 are representative.) The place must be governed by a bunch of drunken, inbred losers.

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Castle’s Running…

Filed in Delaware by on July 10, 2009 4 Comments

… if you believe this observation from Celia Cohen. Minor giveaways were distributed to the crowd [at the Hockessin Independence Day parade]. Mike Castle, the Republican congressman, had volunteers handing out little U.S. flags, the only catch being the green “I Like Mike” stickers attached to them. I pray that Jason retracts his bet. The […]

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End of the 2009 Legislative Session: Looking Back and Looking Forward

Filed in Delaware by on July 6, 2009 47 Comments
End of the 2009 Legislative Session: Looking Back and Looking Forward

Well, for better or for worse the 2009 legislative session in Delaware has ended. It has been an interesting session. It started with a new Democratic governor, lieutenant governor and Democratic majority in the House. It ended in a bitter fight over the budget. The session was composed of the good, the bad and the […]

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Crazy People in the Attic – Liveblogging the Senate

Filed in Delaware by on June 30, 2009 9 Comments

We’re here! Liberalgeek and I are sitting in the balcony of the Senate. Right now they are voting on some appointments – boring so far. So when they nominate someone, why do they have to read out the whole name and address, including ZIP code? So far we’ve appointed some people, supported getting some grants […]

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Live Blogging the House – Vol. 3

Filed in Delaware by on June 30, 2009 3 Comments

Liberalgeek and I are now listening to the debate on HB 290, the budget bill. Right now they are praising the hard work of putting together the budget. OMB Visalli testifying. Rep. Marshall: why not 2.5% cut for judges? Case law says that judges are exempt by law, based on DE Constitution. Why no cut […]

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Live-Blogging the House With All the Comforts of Home

Filed in Delaware by on June 30, 2009 8 Comments

Making all the final preparations. Lessee… Bottle of Chenin Blanc/Viognier nicely chilled? Check. Cheese platter to allay that pre-dinner break hunger? Check.  Law & Order reruns on the tube for those anticipated down-times? Check. Dogs fed? Oops, better feed the dogs…Check. OK, here’s how the final day usually works. Once the House goes in, they […]

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What to Expect From Delaware Liberal Tonight

Filed in Delaware by on June 30, 2009 7 Comments

This is the last day of the legislative session in Dover.  Unstable Isotope and I (at a minimum) will be in attendance and passing along reports.  Many of our reports will be available via Twitter (@liberalgeek and @UnstableIsotope), Nemski and DelawareDem will be monitoring the tweets.  El Somnambulo will be listening to the audio stream […]

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