Tag: Delaware

What Happened on TV News Last Week

Filed in National by on June 29, 2009 3 Comments
What Happened on TV News Last Week

From Uncle Dave at Dvorak Uncensored:

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Why Delaware Needs Health Reform

Filed in Delaware by on June 27, 2009 5 Comments

Health Care facts and figures, from HealthReform.gov (thanks, HHS Secretary Sebelius!) DELAWAREANS CAN’T AFFORD THE STATUS QUO Roughly 575,000 people in Delaware get health insurance on the job, where family premiums average $14,579, about the annual earning of a full-time minimum wage job. Since 2000 alone, average family premiums have increased by 108 percent in […]

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GUEST POST: “Because the Sun Shines on us all”

Filed in Delaware by on June 25, 2009 6 Comments

We now have a Charity for 8/15 @ Twin Lakes A new feature you will start seeing on DL is Guest Posters. And what better way to kick off this new feature than with the only lady that can pull of Pearls and an Evening gown while working at the Food Bank; Joanne Christian. Several […]

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Filed in National by on June 25, 2009 19 Comments

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Conservatism Kills

Filed in National by on June 25, 2009 14 Comments
Conservatism Kills

The meme that compares the present day United States to the days of the Fall of Rome has been active in our society for decades. It’s a meme that you are all familiar with, and one that many of our radical right friends embrace. In their own minds, Delaware Liberal’s Christian theocratic commenters are doing […]

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How to Use 931 Words to Say Nothing

Filed in National by on June 23, 2009 5 Comments

Only in Delaware (c) would this pass for political reporting.

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The Delaware Blogging Community to Shrink

Filed in Delaware by on June 22, 2009 24 Comments

It looks like in the next few weeks, Delaware blogging will lose two of its longest running blogs. Mike Matthews over at Down With Absolutes has been pretty clear that he is planning to go to an all-twitter format.  He has gone so far as to look for someone to take over for him. Today, […]

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St. Georges Bridge Idea

Filed in Delaware by on June 20, 2009 16 Comments

I was looking at some biking information today and happened across the Delaware Bike News blog.  I saw a great idea from them that I think is worthy of support. At present there are no truly safe non-motorized crossings of the Chesapeake & Delaware Canal, creating a huge impediment to connecting Delaware’s networks of safe […]

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General Assembly June 18 Post-Game Show: “Everything Falls Apart” Edition

Filed in Delaware by on June 19, 2009 60 Comments

Apparently taking their cues from Mitch McConnell, the Republican Caucus of the Delaware House of Representatives has decided to blow to smithereens any hope of addressing Delaware’s dire fiscal situation by June  30. Yesterday, the Rethugs, led by Minority Leader and Delaware State University bagman Dick Cathcart, defeated, on straight party line votes, three bills […]

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Senator Adams Hospitalized

Filed in Delaware by on June 17, 2009 18 Comments

We’re getting word that Sen. Thurman Adams has been hospitalized. I have no further information at this time. Although, we at this blog have had disagreements with Senator Adams, we wish him a quick and complete recovery.

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That Didn’t Take Long

Filed in Delaware by on June 14, 2009 9 Comments

To play the tired PC card. Which, we are already clear, is basically the default position of retreat for those who can’t find rational or civilized arguments for their daily fear and loathing and paranoia. There is simply no attempt to delegitimize political speech from this site.  We absolutely welcome it.  We do work pretty […]

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Filed in National by on June 12, 2009 13 Comments

The Official Potted Meat Product of  Delaware Liberal (c) is Rose Brand Pork Brains with Milk Gravy. If the thought of eating that does not make you a vegetarian, nothing will.

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Around the Horn Friday

Filed in National by on June 12, 2009 39 Comments

This will be the first time, and perhaps last time, that I link to the Delaware Grapevine in this thread. But Celia does have a nice write up about the 6th Annual Summer Bash. [T]he Sixth Annual Summer Bash last Saturday in Milton was turned into a charity event for the Food Bank of Delaware. […]

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