Tag: Delaware

Delaware Liberal’s Official Song

Filed in National by on June 11, 2009 8 Comments

Some of you newbies might not know that this is the official song of Delaware Liberal and this is the official rendition of the official song. If you don’t like that song, you don’t like life. Oh yeah. puremarkska is the offical singer of Delaware Liberal.

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Tweeting, First State Style

Filed in Delaware by on June 8, 2009 16 Comments

Twitter is making some big news of late, so big in fact it has made the most recent cover of Time magazine Before I get started, I’m not a twitter expert by any means, I’m just enjoying it And this isn’t meant to be an all encompassing review of twitter, just a brief introduction in […]

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Supermarket Beer/Wine Sales: A Solution in Search of a Problem

Filed in Delaware by on June 5, 2009 40 Comments

For some reason (El Somnambulo suspects just the Usual Poor Editorial Judgement), the News-Journal decided to make today’s lead story the introduction of legislation to permit beer and wine sales in Delaware supermarkets. The Beast Who Slumbers couldn’t care less whether the bill passes or not. It is clearly an attempt by the large grocery […]

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Fundraising Misses Goal

Filed in Delaware by on May 29, 2009 13 Comments
Fundraising Misses Goal

The goal to buy Tom Carper’s vote fell short of goals. See that tiny spec of red at the bottom? (I didn’t think so.)

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Signs of Economic Recovery: State Unemployment

Filed in Delaware by on May 23, 2009 3 Comments

The latest regional unemployment numbers are out and the news is decidedly better: Twenty-one states recorded over-the-month unemployment rate decreases, 18 states and the District of Columbia registered rate increases, and 11 states had no rate change, the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor reported today. The overall unemployment rate rose […]

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Carney Campaign Asking for $53 from You

Filed in Delaware by on May 21, 2009 4 Comments

I love teh social media. Yesterday I received an email on my Facebook from the Fan of John Carney for Congress page. The gist of the email (which is below the fold) was to ask John Carney supporters to donate $53 dollars to his campaign for congress at John Carney for Congress. Why $53? Because […]

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Secret Government in Session-Day 2

Filed in Delaware by on May 20, 2009 14 Comments

The News-Journal is all over Joint Finance Committee secrecy this year: DOVER — The budget-writing Joint Finance Committee spent Tuesday locked in closed-door session and adjourned for the day without taking any formal action. …The 12-member JFC, made up of House and Senate members, goes into closed-door “orientation” and then opens the doors to announce […]

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Republicans Lose Another One

Filed in Delaware by on May 19, 2009 29 Comments

Kilroy is now a Democrat.  Gird your loins… and your spell-checker! Humor aside, here’s another example of Republicans losing a moderate voice.  Kilroy’s own words… Dear Maria Evans what the hell should I do? Is the party so fractured that I must decide to remain a Republicans or not? It kinds of sucks that people […]

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Bell to Bell

Filed in Delaware by on May 19, 2009 58 Comments

I’ve been trying to write a post about the Delaware Education Association‘s Bell to Bell Week and I’ve been stimied. Teachers throughout Delaware (except Delmar — thanks News Journal) are only working from the start of classes to the end of classes — bell to bell — to protest Gov. Markell’s proposed pay cut for […]

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They Are The GOP

Filed in Delaware by on May 17, 2009 11 Comments
They Are The GOP

Below is a photo from a workshop at the Delaware GOP Convention yesterday on how to rebuild the GOP. Do you notice any similarities between this photo and the Republican National Convention this past summer? Click on the image below to see a larger version of it.

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Delaware Democratic Convention Wrap-Up: Delegate’s View

Filed in Delaware by on May 16, 2009 10 Comments

Well, I’m back from the Delaware Democratic convention. It was an interesting time. A little more chaotic than I expected, but really no fireworks. The atmosphere pre-convention was really quite intense, with delegates really getting lobbied on the leadership race. I felt like I wanted to hide for a while, really. Here are the outcomes: […]

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No Live Blog of the DE GOP Convention?

Filed in National by on May 16, 2009 24 Comments
No Live Blog of the DE GOP Convention?

It seems Castle just announced that he will run for the Senate seat being vacated by Kaufman. photo credit: Delawarepolitics

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Delaware Democratic Convention LIVEBLOG.

Filed in Delaware by on May 16, 2009 63 Comments

I will be livetwittering and liveblogging all day. Here is Liberal Geek’s feed: Tweets by liberalgeek Tweets by UnstableIsotope 11:04… Carper came over to me, saw my computer screen with the DL logo, and said (and I am not making this up, ask June who is sitting right next to me) “Oh, that’s great!” TOM […]

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