Tag: Delaware

Comment Rescue: Ted Kaufman Totally Pwns Tom Carper

Filed in National by on May 1, 2009 13 Comments

Nancy Willing points us to this Ryan Grim story at HuffPo which reports that Carper pulled in 1.5 million from the bank lobby.  And what did the banker’s get for their investment? Not simply Carper’s vote on the Durbin amendment, but a PR flack embedded in the Senate. “Carper, however, the no vote from Delaware, […]

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Breaking: John Carney To Run For House Seat

Filed in National by on April 29, 2009 9 Comments

Granted, it is only breaking news if Delawaregrapevine.com is your only source for political news. I guess Celia was feeling burned by not cottoning on to the fact that Carney was running when she made her triumphant return to blogging on April 23rd. Anyway, it is official now. Carney is running. Everyone who has been wondering […]

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Filed in National by on April 28, 2009 2 Comments

Jack Markell vs. recalcitrant, corrupt, out of touch, bought and paid for, clubby bureaucracy.

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WRong Williams Says Delaware’s Most Famous Bush Enabler Considering Senate

Filed in National by on April 26, 2009 37 Comments

There will be no place for Mike Castle to hide if he runs for the Senate. It will not be a couple of angry state bloggers picking over his record and throwing his Bush loving 8 years in his face every time he tries to claim to be this great moderate. It will be the […]

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Point and Laugh for 4/24

Filed in Delaware by on April 24, 2009 21 Comments

Dana says that our enemies do worse, so torture is okay. A commenter who shows some common sense says: When I was six years old, Dana, my mother taught me that just because someone else does it, doesn’t mean I should do it. Congratulations, the United States is not quite as bad as the Taliban, […]

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Jersey Wants Its Game On

Filed in Delaware by on April 20, 2009 2 Comments

Blue Jersey reports that 63% of New Jersey voters favor legalized sports betting.

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A View From The Lofty Perch of Sanity

Filed in National by on April 16, 2009 16 Comments

The Wilmington Delaware Riverfront was host to one of the four “TEA” Parties going on in the state. It was nothing more than a two and a half hour therapy session that had Republican speaker after Republican speaker yap and complain about spending, socialism and pork. One after another they proved they know nothing about […]

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Comment Rescue: Beware of Sandbagging, Carpetbaggers bearing Teabags

Filed in National by on April 16, 2009 4 Comments

A Glenn Beck zombie didn’t like Copeland horning in on Protack’s glory. The only disappointment was the hijacking of the event at the beginning by the Delaware GOP and Charles Copeland. I don’t think Mr. Copeland attended any of the planning or did any work for the event. At least he was not there when […]

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Chris’TEA’na Riverfront Photo’s

Filed in National by on April 15, 2009 10 Comments
Chris’TEA’na Riverfront Photo’s

I will have the video up later. There was no shortage of signs that was for sure. One thing I noted and this was only a casual observation, but a majority of the sign holders were women. There was also only 2 Asian folks there and 1 African American Lady. Yep, nothing but open minded […]

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Teabagging Day! Bet They Wish They Had Thought of Loose Tea

Filed in National by on April 15, 2009 23 Comments
Teabagging Day!  Bet They Wish They Had Thought of Loose Tea

Now, it is also Tax Day, so make sure that you have completed your Taxes and sent them in before you get involved with any Teabagging activities.  Somehow I don’t think that the IRS will take your Teabagging Events as a serious reason to not file.  So here we go: This is what these guys […]

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Upcoming Speakers at UD

Filed in Delaware by on April 14, 2009 0 Comments

Five leading figures in journalism, politics and film who will be visiting the University of Delaware’s Newark campus this month (click on the links for more information): News anchor ANDERSON COOPER will speak at 8:30 p.m., Wednesday, April 15, at the Bob Carpenter Center. DAVID PLOUFFE and STEVEN SCHMIDT, two UD alumni who played central […]

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Castle Not Running for Senate.

Filed in Delaware by on April 13, 2009 18 Comments

Get used to that headline. The 2010 general election is approximately 500 days away. Yes, that is a long time and anything can happen, but in this day and age, if a politician does have serious designs on running in an election that is sure to be hotly contested, there would be tell tale signs […]

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Anonymous Blogging

Filed in National by on April 9, 2009 6 Comments

We’ve had our arguments in the Delaware blogosphere about anonymous blogging, sometimes with outings, sometimes not. But at the end of it all, I believe we’ve agreed to disagree. Not so in Alaska. Apparently an Alaska State Representative took it upon himself to out the creative force behind Mudflats. Shouldn’t a state representative have more […]

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