Tag: Delaware

The County That Couldn’t Shoot Straight

Filed in Delaware by on March 25, 2009 29 Comments

You’ve all heard the term ‘self-fulfilling prophecy’. As it turns out, New Castle County Executive Chris Coons’ tone-deafness on the issue of county services vs. the need for tax increases could have been avoided…IF Coons hadn’t embarked on last year’s public relations tour to convince the public and himself that everybody loved county services so […]

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Breaking: Powerful Law Firm to Close, Delaware Heavy-Hitters Going to…

Filed in Delaware by on March 23, 2009 19 Comments

Philadelphia-based Wolf Block, a very powerful law firm with strong governmental ties, will dissolve, according to this report on Philly.com. 10 attorneys from its Delaware office, including former AG Charles Oberly and his former deputy, Kathleen Jennings, appear likely to move en masse to the firm of Drinker, Biddle & Reith. This group of attorneys also includes […]

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Visit The DelawareLiberal Booth at the Great Green Expo

Filed in National by on March 21, 2009 11 Comments

I’ll be manning the DelawareLiberal.net booth* today at the Great Green Expo from about 11:00. *In the interest of sustainability, DelawareLiberal.net does not have a “booth” per se. In the same way that this broadsheet is not printed on paper, our booth occupies a mental space rather than a physical space.  Anyway, say hello if you […]

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The Morning After

Filed in National by on March 20, 2009 29 Comments

March 19, 2009 will forever be remembered as the date that Delaware’s Gilded Age officially ended. An age that was literally ‘built on a house of (credit) cards’ is no more. The same institutions that buttressed Delaware’s financial strength, compliments of the usurious interest rates that Delaware had legalized, imploded and helped lead what in […]

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2010 State Senate Races Roundup WikiPost: 3/17/09

Filed in National by on March 17, 2009 18 Comments
2010 State Senate Races Roundup WikiPost: 3/17/09

Before you know it it will be time to campaign again. 2010 is approaching. And once again, half of the State Senators are on the ballot. What makes this year different, however, is that the State Senators elected in 2010 will only be elected to 2 year terms so as to accomodate the decennial census. […]

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Pre-filed Legislative Business II

Filed in Delaware by on March 17, 2009 17 Comments

(I am bumping this up since we closed out old business earlier this AM and wanted folks to have a chance to comment on these items.) ************************ The General Assembly gets back to work today, with a few items pre-filed in the House: HB 4 sponsored by Hudson and Lavelle — Requires that all cash […]

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Filed in National by on March 16, 2009 9 Comments

Waiting.  It isn’t easy.  It’s harder when what you are waiting on is hope.  Your life raft. Your families life raft. Your new born sons life raft.  Your only chance at potentially saving you, your wife and kids.  Waiting is hard, when the minutes become hours and hours become days. Trying to waste time without […]

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Revisiting Reserve Requirements

Filed in Delaware by on March 16, 2009 6 Comments

I wrote to highlight a blog post redwaterlily wrote over at her blog discussing the current rule change by KWS to reduce the reserve requirements by life insurers — reserves intended to try to ensure that these companies are adequately funded to pay policyholder claims. The conversation continued over at that post on a number […]

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Were Delaware Municipalities at Risk From AIG for $260 Mill?

Filed in National by on March 16, 2009 27 Comments

Delaware municipalities appear to have been at serious risk of losing millions without the initial bailout of AIG, according to a press release from AIG itself. In somewhat of a surprise, AIG listed institutions that essentially were remunerated with the rescue funds, and it appears that Delaware institutions could have lost $260 million without Federal […]

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Deep Strategery Thought

Filed in National by on March 14, 2009 4 Comments
Deep Strategery Thought

HBO’s “Big Love” is part of a liberal commie plot to keep Mitt Romney from being elected President of the United States.

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Comment Rescue: What’s Going On With the SEU?

Filed in National by on March 11, 2009 8 Comments

Anon posted the following question, and El Somnambulo would hope that our environmental watchdogs could answer it: “Speaking of environmental stuff… Anyone know what this means? NEWS FROM THE DELAWARE DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL March 10, 2009 Vol. 39, No. 82 Contact: Charlie Smisson, Delaware Energy Office, 302-735-3480; or Melanie Rapp, Public Affairs, […]

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Fact: Mike Castle 100% Pro-Choice

Filed in National by on March 10, 2009 16 Comments

I kidded Castle yesterday about his lust for killing snowflake babies – so this is goes inthe “credit where credit is due” file. According to NARAL Mike Castle’s voting record is 100% “pro-choice” so he is not really just after unborn zygotes, but all unborn Americans are on his shit list.

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PPP Polling to Post Pleasing Percentages? UPDATED: No.

Filed in Delaware by on March 10, 2009 37 Comments

Jason has made an absolute guarantee that Mike Castle will not run for the Senate seat. But what happens if the PPP polling shows Castle close to or beating Biden? Last week Raleigh, North Carolina-based Public Policy Polling announced they would poll several races in Delaware for 2010. On the company’s blog this morning they […]

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