Tag: Delaware

Credit Where Credit is Due

Filed in National by on February 20, 2009 6 Comments

Castle Introduces Pulmonary Fibrosis Research Enhancement Act of 2009 Landmark Bill Would Create National Patient Registry, Increase Public Awareness of Deadly Lung Disease WASHINGTON, Feb. 19 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The Coalition for Pulmonary Fibrosis (CPF) is excited to announce a pivotal time in our national pulmonary fibrosis (PF) advocacy program — the introduction of the Pulmonary […]

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Filed in Delaware by on February 19, 2009 14 Comments

I just got a call from LG who is at the HQ.  It is called.  Diller wins. Elections Results COUNTY COUNCIL DISTRICT 5 10 of 15 Districts Reported DEMOCRATIC PARTY ELISA C. DILLER 432 5 437 59 . 8 % REPUBLICAN PARTY JAMES MOULTHROP 287 7 294 40 . 2 % Diller ahead at 8:34

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DelawareLiberal In The News

Filed in National by on February 19, 2009 10 Comments

You have to read between the lines, but Governor Markell did not initially invite Castle to the press conference on the economic recovery package money coming to Delaware. Carper had him added to the invitee list – but thanks to the white hot spotlight that DelawareLiberal turned on the situation, suddenly Castle “was unable to […]

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Day 21: Mike Castle’s Betrayal of Delaware

Filed in Delaware by on February 18, 2009 18 Comments

El Somnambulo is proud to present 1,577,219,319 reasons why Mike Castle has betrayed the public trust and has dishonored both his office and himself. In his Rosemary Woods-like contortions to explain away his vote against President Obama’s economic stimulus package, Castle somehow never got around to explaining how Delaware and its citizens would benefit from […]

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Delaware Joins the Climate Prosperity Project

Filed in Delaware by on February 17, 2009 2 Comments

WDEL has audio of Gov. Markell’s announcement here. The effort to grow a greener economy in Delaware stepped up its profile today with Gov. Markell’s announcement that Delaware is the only state to be invited to join the Climate Prosperity Project. According to the NJ, this group: The Climate Prosperity Project, sponsored by the Rockefeller […]

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Day 20: Mike Castle’s Betrayal of Delaware

Filed in National by on February 17, 2009 28 Comments

Castle’s Anti-Economic Recovery Vote Surprised Dem Party Insiders Even jaded long-time Delaware politicos were surprised and saddened by Castle’s lockstep vote with the radical Republican leadership. “Everyone in Delaware has worked with Mike Castle at one time or another and nobody saw this coming.” said one person who works with Castle and his staff frequently […]

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Debunking a Conservative Meme

Filed in National by on February 16, 2009 52 Comments

The honorable John Feroce posted a picture today which he got from Glenn Beck.  The picture shows a bookshelf with Obama-themed children’s books with a large sign above it saying “Religion” It seemed bizarre to me, so I started doing some research.  Apparently there are at least two versions of this picture on the Internet.  […]

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Literary Delaware

Filed in Delaware by on February 16, 2009 9 Comments
Literary Delaware

From the Publisher: It is a land of wonders.  It is a land of mystery.  It is a land that time forgot (or chose specifically not to remember). Cut off from the civilized world for untold years by prohibitive interstate tolls at the New Jersey border. This land is called: Delaware. It is into the […]

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Filed in Delaware by on February 14, 2009 3 Comments

Today is STILL a DelawareLiberal “Day of Action” to elect Lisa Diller to the New County Council County Council. Here are your options.  You can: – donate money to Lisa Diller’s campaign – pledge your time and volunteer to help canvassing or making calls this weekeend, or  (and this one is important) – simply call 5 people in Newark and tell them […]

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Mike Castle is Losing His Base

Filed in National by on February 13, 2009 10 Comments

The DelawareforObama list is not a bunch of liberal bomb throwers. For the most part they are Democratic ticket splitters who really liked Obama’s calls to rise above partisanship for the sake of the country. Many of them are shaken to see Mike Castle pick the stale factionalism offered by the GOP over the opportunity […]

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McConnell & Boehner Hurting

Filed in National by on February 13, 2009 11 Comments
McConnell & Boehner Hurting

This obstructionist kabuki dance might be helping McConnell & Boehner among the Republican toxic 25%ers like Mike Protack who want economic catastrophe so they can say “See?” in two years. For the rest of the country, it is not playing very well.

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Day 16: Mike Castle’s Betrayal of Delaware

Filed in National by on February 13, 2009 5 Comments
Day 16: Mike Castle’s Betrayal of Delaware

The only power in the universe than can keep Mike Castle in public life after this term is the power of Tom Carper’s love.

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Today Is The Day You Do Something To Help Elect Lisa Diller

Filed in National by on February 12, 2009 5 Comments

Today is a DelawareLiberal “Day of Action” to elect Lisa Diller to the New County Council County Council. Here are your options.  You can: – donate money to Lisa Diller’s campaign – pledge your time and volunteer to help canvassing or making calls this weekeend, or  (and this one is important) – simply call 5 […]

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