Tag: Delaware

Katz v Clatworthy: Round 2

Filed in Delaware by on October 21, 2008 16 Comments
Katz v Clatworthy: Round 2

Dr. Mike Katz squared off against John Clatworthy last night at Hockessin Memorial Hall. As reported by The News Journal the debate between Katz and his opponent focused on Clatworthy’s negative ad. State spending, education and experience in small businesses were the main topics for candidates competing for the 4th District: Republican John Clatworthy and […]

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Reports From Pike Creek Civic League Candidates Forum

Filed in Delaware by on October 21, 2008 18 Comments

With some tipsters weighing in it seems like the candidates were all literally overshadowed by Christine O’Donnell‘s huge rear end. Attendees were flabbergasted at the size of O’Donnell’s ass. As if listening to O’Donnell’s gibberish was not difficult enough, the sight of O’Donnell’s caboose made it nearly impossible last night. Apparently the thing is not […]

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Copeland ♥ Markell

Filed in Delaware by on October 21, 2008 25 Comments

Poor Bill Lee.  He must feel jilted at the altar.  Or thrown under the bus, and run over a few times.   Either analogy will do.   Copeland has said repeatedly that he is an “independent voice” willing to work with any governor — a campaign slogan he said illustrates his willingness to work across party lines and […]

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Everyone Just Needs To Mellow The F*ck Out

Filed in National by on October 20, 2008 6 Comments

See more Natalie Portman videos at Funny or Die

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Filed in National by on October 20, 2008 7 Comments

Why don;t Randy and Dave send me these updates?

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Comment Rescue: KWS says she does not work at Lowe’s.

Filed in Delaware by on October 20, 2008 23 Comments

From Miscreant: BREAKING NEWS: Delaware Talk Radio’s Maria Evans called Weldin-Stewart to invite her on the show. During the course of the conversation she asked her if she worked at Lowes. After dancing around the issue for a while, Stewart said she was on leave from her government job, and that she did not work […]

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Deep Thought: Paul Clark’s Vision for NCC

Filed in Delaware by on October 20, 2008 6 Comments

Ugly strip malls set back behind acres of surface parking only. No pedestrians allowed.

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Kavips Beats Clatworthy on the Basics

Filed in Delaware by on October 20, 2008 6 Comments

Kavips does a great job making the affirmative case for Katz in the 4ths SD. Having said that – I’ll quote Kavips beating up on Clatworthy, because Kavips beats up on Clatworthy in a way that all “dead horse” republicans need to be beaten. The dead-horse republican platform still beaten by Clatworthy, that one of […]

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O’Donnell is Batshit Crazy.

Filed in Delaware by on October 20, 2008 25 Comments

What follows is by far my favorite passage from a News Journal article ever.   Cris Barrish has a sense of humor. When gardener Paul Reeves tells O’Donnell the ailing economy is his primary concern, the Republican candidate agrees, saying that she — not six-term Senate incumbent and Democratic vice presidential hopeful Joe Biden — would […]

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The DelawareLiberal Interview of Matt Denn: Part 2

Filed in Delaware by on October 20, 2008 0 Comments

This is the second part of our interview with Matt Denn. Listen Here.

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DEwind: The Week That Was October 13th

Filed in Delaware by on October 20, 2008 25 Comments

We had a lot of local coverage over the last week at Delaware Liberal, no doubt the most political coverage in Delaware blogs. First on our local political coverage is our series of interviews with Delaware candidates: Our final installment (?) of our Jack Markell interview The first part of our interview with Lt. Governor […]

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Steve Newton Calls Out Delaware Liberal…Again

Filed in National by on October 17, 2008 27 Comments
Steve Newton Calls Out Delaware Liberal…Again

Over at Delaware Libertarian, Tyler Nixon writes about Steve Newton’s appearance on Mike Matthew’s Delaware Talk Radio show. Apparently, Delaware Liberal is responsible for the demise of the Delaware blogosphere, so does that make us the Delaware blogosphere? 😉 You can start listening at the 2 minute mark.

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Workforce Housing Roundup

Filed in Delaware by on October 17, 2008 3 Comments

Chuck Mulholland is doing yeomans work down below the canal. Hardly a day goes by that he isn’t mailing something out to a hundred people.  He has been urging people to keep the comments section buzzing on the News Journal’s website, he has forced a statement out of Coons and Clark, and now he has […]

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