Tag: Delaware

Terry Spence Hitching His Campaign to Markell?

Filed in Delaware by on October 16, 2008 6 Comments

Nationally, we’ve seen a few endangered Republican candidates openly embrace their associations (real and imagined) with Barack Obama.  Unstable Isotope recently reported here a story she had heard about Republicans not including their affiliations on their signage and literature or claiming to be Independent as a way to run from the damaged brand.  This is […]

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Copeland Gets The Wind Knocked Out Of Him

Filed in Delaware by on October 16, 2008 5 Comments

Patricia Gearity writes in today’s New Journal about Copeland’s dubious claims for helping Bluewater Wind offshore project get approved. Charles Copeland voted against H.B. 6 in April 2006. A year later, he opposed the Bluewater Wind proposal. In December, he opposed the first wind contract. Six months later, Copeland voted for the second wind contract, […]

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On Political Civility

Filed in Delaware by on October 15, 2008 31 Comments

Could you imagine a US Presidential campaign where one side said of another that by winning their opponent “were radicals who would murder their opponents, burn churches, and destroy the country”? How about a loser in a Presidential election that calls his opponent, “Judas of the West”? Maybe a political operative that would forge a […]

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Markell: Everything Else We Could Think Of

Filed in Delaware by on October 15, 2008 2 Comments

This is the final part of our interview with Jack Markell.  We discuss Workforce Housing, goals of a Markell administration and his man-crush on Deval Patrick (I kid the Treasurer).  We hope you have enjoyed the series. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2G9dk-DSQkc[/youtube]

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Jefferson-Jackson Dinner Roundup

Filed in Delaware by on October 13, 2008 18 Comments

Tonight was my first Jefferson-Jackson Dinner and oh what a year to start.  As I travelled down Rt.1 at 5:30 I passed Tommywonk and his lovely date in a convertible with the top down.  Damn, even Tommy looks cool heading out for a great night of wonkiness.  As I walked into the Dover Downs hotel […]

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Steve Newton gives the Delaware Blogosphere a spanking

Filed in National by on October 13, 2008 24 Comments

If you haven’t read Steve’s post over at Delaware Libertarian you should. And even though it’s obvious he doesn’t have a horse in this race he makes some valid points. Now allow me to add a few of my own. Has this election season become overly divisive? Yes. I won’t argue with that point, instead […]

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DEwind: The Week That Was October 6th

Filed in Delaware by on October 13, 2008 17 Comments

Watch Delaware Liberal’s last part of our interview with Delaware’s next governor, Jack Markell. Also, we interview Democratic candidate for Insurance Commissioner, Karen Weldin Stewart. Delawonk points out that Delaware ranks a dismal 46 out of the 50 states on its campaign finance disclosure laws. This needs to be addressed by our next governor prior […]

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Markell: On Success

Filed in Delaware by on October 9, 2008 5 Comments

Here is the next part of our interview with Jack Markell.  In this edition, we discuss how Jack will know if he was successful at the end of his term(s).  As an added bonus, we get to see the interruption of the interview by a supporter.  After this, we have one more section of the […]

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DelawareLiberal Interviews Karen Weldin Stewart

Filed in Delaware by on October 8, 2008 39 Comments

Karen Weldin Stewart was kind enough to sit down with DelawareDem and Pandora on Monday afternoon and answer some questions about her candidacy. Listen Here.

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DEwind: The Week That Was Sept. 29th

Filed in Delaware by on October 7, 2008 9 Comments

A day late and a dollar short, but it’s here. The big blogging news in Delaware is of a personal nature. First is that Don Viti has spawned . . . again. Congratulations to Mrs. Hot Viti, Don and Little Don Viti. The second item is that regular Republican troll mike w has been hired […]

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John Kowalko to Host Energy Efficiency/Conservation Workshop

Filed in Delaware by on October 4, 2008 1 Comment

John Kowalko is a much better public servant than I can ever hope to be.  He sent me a list of initiatives and services to his constituents last week.  He asked me to get some of it up to get the word out on programs available to help Delawareans deal with issues affecting their lives.  […]

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Markell: Reforming Democratic Politics in Delaware

Filed in Delaware by on October 4, 2008 5 Comments

Part 3 of our interview has us covering Jack Markell of what his candidacy is doing to change the dynamics of the Delaware Democratic party. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_FB1QEg744[/youtube]

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DEwind: The Week That Was September 22nd

Filed in Delaware by on September 29, 2008 8 Comments

The big news of the week in the Delaware blogosphere has to be Delaware Liberal’s call for donations to the campaign of Rebecca Young. DL readers and staff donated $1640 dollars to Young’s campaign to unseat Joe Miro. If you pledged money or you just want to make a donation, send your check off today […]

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