Tag: Delaware

Tom Carper: No Comment on Blocking Carney

Filed in Delaware by on September 25, 2008 5 Comments

Even though Tom Carper’s Minister of Communications, Bette Phelan, probably hates my guts, and even though I, likewise, hold her boss in utter contempt, and even though I’m barely a member of the press, allowing all of that – it is her job her job to respond to me right? Even if I wasn’t writing […]

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I’m Home

Filed in National by on September 24, 2008 42 Comments
I’m Home

You always hear of those horror stories where passengers are trapped on a plane parked on the tarmac for hours on end.   Well, I was lucky.   That was the road I and my fellow compadres were traveling down, but 20 minutes after I posted my earlier story, the Captain came on the intercom announcing we […]

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McCain Campaign Lobbying For Foreign Bank – UBS

Filed in National by on September 21, 2008 5 Comments
McCain Campaign Lobbying For Foreign Bank – UBS

If we had a real press in this country, McCain would be losing by 30 points. Get a load of this shit from Josh Marshall at TPM… John McCain’s top economics advisor, who is widely believed to be his choice for Treasury Secretary, should he win in November, is former Sen. Phil Gramm. As late […]

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Ron Williams Phones It In

Filed in Delaware by on September 21, 2008 7 Comments

This could be a continuing series, I’m thinking. Today, Williams tells us what we already know, that Joe Biden is well within his rights to run for both his VP and Senate seats. Well, yes. And? He goes on not to take a position on whether this is a healthy electoral situation (it sure is […]

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Returning to a Focus on Local Races

Filed in Delaware by on September 20, 2008 10 Comments

In a national election as important as the 2008 Presidential election is, and in a national election where, for the first time in history a Delawarean is a candidate for Vice President of the United States, it is quite easy for Delaware Liberal to concentrate on the national presidential race exclusively.    During the summer, I […]

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Bob Barr as a Serious Spoiler

Filed in National by on September 19, 2008 8 Comments

There was a time, not too long ago, when Bob Barr could have played spoiler.  He was taking enough GA voters that McCain would lose the state to Obama.  Some of that has turned around since Palin was added to the ticket. Today, Bob Barr filed suit against Obama and McCain in Texas, accusing them […]

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A Glimpse of a Green Economy

Filed in National by on September 18, 2008 49 Comments
A Glimpse of a Green Economy

Tesla signs a lease to build a factory in San Jose, CA. Tesla Motors makes a high-performance electric sports car that not only goes fast, but can go for almost 250 miles on one charge. It is a boutique (but high demand) vehicle now, but Tesla ultimately wanted to build more affordable, more utilitarian cars. […]

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Markell Primary Victory Speech

Filed in National by on September 10, 2008 0 Comments

YouTube limits files to 10 minutes.  With all the applause, Jack took too long.  Nevertheless, check out the whole speech in two parts. Part 1 [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgVB0MEqWRg[/youtube] Part 2 [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8Wsc2hkrxQ[/youtube] Bonus if you can hear the little boy next to me on the stage say “When’s Jack Markell coming on?”  And then “When’s Barrack Obama coming […]

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Ask Questions of the Candidates for Wilmington City Council President

Filed in National by on August 17, 2008 39 Comments

The next in Allan Loudell’s series of candidate debates is with the Democratic candidates for Wilmington City Council President: Norman Griffiths and Theo Gregory. The debate is on WDEL on Monday, 18 August 2008 from 6 to 7PM. For those of you outside of the area, the programs are streamed here. Allan has put out […]

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Questions for the Candidates for Insurance Commissioner

Filed in National by on August 13, 2008 43 Comments

Last night, Allan Loudell hosted the debate between the Dem primary candidates for the replacement of Mike Castle and tonite he hosts a debate between the candidates for Insurance Commissioner. Allan has asked for input on questions you especially want answered from these candidates. Allan used questions submitted by contributors and commenters to this blog […]

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Carney and Markell

Filed in National by on July 26, 2008 22 Comments

I have been, and continue to be, an undecided voter on the Markell/Carney decision. It may at times seem that I am an unabashed Carney supporter, but that is only due to the contrast with others in the blogosphere. I have a number of friends in both campaigns. I have been trying hard to give […]

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Comment Rescue: The Political Place of Statewide Blogs?

Filed in National by on July 19, 2008 26 Comments
Comment Rescue:  The Political Place of Statewide Blogs?

Steve Newton writes in the Beating Castle Someday thread: First, what is the proper use of the blogosphere in statewide politics. Dean, Ron Paul, Obama, and even Hillary made successful use of the blogs, primarily to sign up supporters and raise funds on a nationwide scale. But when you shrink the scale to DE I […]

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The Week That Was

Filed in National by on June 10, 2008 6 Comments
The Week That Was

The fantastic kavips surveys the interesting headlines of the day and wonders if we are as cocky as we were last week after Obama clinched the Democratic nomination. If I am to believe the evidence of my newsreader, Delaware Liberal doesn’t rate too highly on the cockiness meter, but I have no doubt that we […]

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