Tag: Delaware

Insurance Commissioner Debate Tomorrow

Filed in National by on June 5, 2008 2 Comments

Brian Selander will be filling in for Rick Jensen tomorrow and will be hosting a debate with the three candidates (Reed – D, Savage – D and Brady – R) for insurance commissioner from 2:00 to 3:30 on WDEL.  It will be good to have Selander back on the air, albeit for a short stint.

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DelawareWatch Goes Moderate

Filed in Delaware by on May 17, 2008 42 Comments

Dana Garrett has apparently been bothered by a number of comments on his blog lately.  As a result, he has started moderating comments.  I guess you’ll have to somewhere else if you want to challenge Dana’s views on the world. We had an issue a few weeks ago where a single poster was doing bad […]

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The Burris Reveal

Filed in Delaware by on May 15, 2008 41 Comments

Dave Burris posted the rest of the story on the subpoena to Mike Matthews for the source of the Bill Lee photo.  The short answer is that there was a threatening note sent to Bill Lee’s family that photos like this were going to start coming out starting this week.  Here’s the quick analysis: There […]

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UPDATED: Congrats Tommywonk!

Filed in Uncategorized by on May 14, 2008 28 Comments

Tommywonk has been announced as the representative of the Delaware Blogosphere to the Democratic National Convention. The rest of us at DelawareLiberal.net will be spending the rest of the day crying in our beers. Editor’s Note: This comment from a kos diarists bears repeating, because it ties Tommywonk’s trip to Denver to Truth Teller’s concern […]

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Has Dave Burris Lost It?

Filed in Delaware by on May 12, 2008 85 Comments
Has Dave Burris Lost It?

Go check out Down With Absolutes. Apparently Dave Burris has demanded Mike’s source for a photo that he posted last week of a possibly intoxicated Bill Lee in a Dewey Beach watering house. Apparently Dave has threatened that a subpoena will be coming Mike’s way if he doesn’t give it up soon. So what the […]

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Copeland Vows to Stop Attending SEU Meetings

Filed in Delaware by on May 9, 2008 51 Comments

I must have hit a nerve with my post earlier. Charlie Copeland dropped me an email to fill me in on his stance after he spoke to Tyler Nixon. I was unaware of the expiration of the SEU oversight board. I spoke with Tyler Nixon about it earlier today, and I will no longer attend […]

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SEU Oversight Board Authority Expired

Filed in Uncategorized by on May 9, 2008 30 Comments

There was some question around here last week about whether or not the SEU was acting within the law that created them. There was an allegation that their term had expired per statute. Here is the pertinent part of the law: There is hereby created the SEU Oversight Board which shall, from passage of this […]

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Report from the SEU Meeting

Filed in Uncategorized by on May 5, 2008 30 Comments

Things are quiet here at work this week, so I had some time to make it out to the SEU meeting at the Buena Vista Conference Center. I have never been to one of these sorts of meetings before, so I was a bit tentative. Luckily, there were some pretty smart and experienced people on […]

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Last Chance to Support the Autism Society of Delaware

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 14, 2008 1 Comment

That little widget on the right has bee staring at you for almost a month now.  You still haven’t clicked it and made a donation…  The walk is this weekend and it will really help a segment of our population that can use all of the help they can get. The Autism Society of Delaware […]

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The Delaware Dem’s Newest Delegate

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 7, 2008 0 Comments

Rob Carver was elected to be a Barack Obama Delegate on Saturday.  I interviewed Rob on Super Tuesday.  It bears watching it again.  Good work Rob![youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFe-7vUtL5A[/youtube]

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Trickle down economics works

Filed in Uncategorized by on March 31, 2008 17 Comments

I had to turn off ABC’s Extremely sad Home Make Over last night.  It makes me angry to think that in this state, in this city which I work, people are that destitute.  A 70 year old woman sleeps downstairs with plastic sheets hanging over hallways to keep the cold out.  Sad, pathetic and all […]

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The Incredible Shrinking Republican Base, or

Filed in Uncategorized by on March 23, 2008 25 Comments
The Incredible Shrinking Republican Base, or

Who Wants to Be a Republican? This article in today’s NJ documents the increasing weakness of the DE Republican party, noting the serious shift in voter registration from R to D this year. It seems that much of the reasons for the shift are a perception of more excitement on the D side (both for […]

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Fundraising Drive – Autism Society of Delaware

Filed in Uncategorized by on March 22, 2008 2 Comments

Greetings Delaware Blogosphere!  We have been asked by a friend of the blog to put up a widget to support a fund-raising walk for the Autism Society of Delaware.  Please notice the widget on the right and consider clicking on the “Donate” button. Many people don’t know that Delaware is a hotbed of autism research […]

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