Tag: Delaware
The Wheeler Story Is A True Mystery

The John Wheeler murder story has taken an even more bizarre turn. Wheeler was observed to be disoriented and dishelved in the days leading to his murder.
Hang Up and Drive

Yesterday, Delaware began enforcing it’s ban on hand-held cell phones while operating a motor vehicle. Have you or anyone you know gotten a ticket yet?
Rating Delaware Public High Schools

Delaware Today released their rating of the best high schools and there is no surprise which is number one
Oberly Sworn In as US Attorney

Former Attorney General for Delaware Charles Oberly was sworn in as the US Attorney for the District of Delaware
DE Tea Party Gears Up For Another Loss

The Delaware Tea Party shows its grasp of the future is based on extremely short-term thinking as it tries to fight Renewable Energy Credits.
Buckle Up As We’re In For a Bumpy Ride
Though not an insurmountable stumbling block, Delaware’s Race to the Top runs into problems in the Christina School District.
Fundraising Appeal – Delaware Right To Marry
A new PAC, Delaware Right to Marry, has been formed to push for full marriage equality.
Delaware GOP Civil War – Do They Get It Yet?
The Delaware GOP civil war is on full display in today’s News Journal. Do they understand their problem yet?
The Tea Party Plan To Disrupt Delaware’s Election
The Albany Tea Party Plans to send poll watchers to Delaware to challenge voters at the polls.
Google Wind

Google has announced a large investment in offshore wind power generation on the Atlantic Coast.
Save The Date
May 21, 2011 So what’s happening then? According to a sign I saw on Rt. 273 May 21, 2011 is Judgement Day, Jesus Returns. Mighty fine welcome back to Delaware. I’m back now that all the cool stuff is over this week. Of course, I just read that President Obama is coming to Delaware next […]
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