Tag: Delaware

UPDATED: Around The Horn Friday: Copeland, Shock the World Edition

Filed in Uncategorized by on January 25, 2008 21 Comments

Windpower has again dominated the week in the Delaware blogosphere. […and someone who totally kicked ass on that issue was Maria Evans at WGMD who put Charlie “who me?” Copeland in a tough spot.] The legislature is in session and that means that there is always movement, although some is hidden. The usual suspects have […]

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Breaking: Levin Not Running (No, Really)

Filed in Uncategorized by on January 17, 2008 32 Comments

WDEL is reporting that Alan Levin has decided not to run.  Jason, you are a mensch. h/t A Dem operative friend

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Around The Horn Friday: The OOGA, OOGA Edition

Filed in Uncategorized by on January 11, 2008 4 Comments

Sorry that I haven’t done an Around the Horn for a while. Last week I was too tired because of staying up late watching Iowa on Thursday night. This week has been one of the best for bloggers in a long time. I think the highlight was the amazing opening day of the legislature. Jason […]

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Aude Lang Syne, DL-Style

Filed in Uncategorized by on December 31, 2007 8 Comments

Well, you’ve gone and squandered another perfectly good year (h/t click and clack). In Delaware, we have had our fair share of action, from political self-destruction to energy ground wars. I have to say that I enjoyed the hell out of it, and I hope you did too. Below the cut are the results of […]

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Nominations: Biggest Delaware Policy Screwup of 2007

Filed in Uncategorized by on December 27, 2007 36 Comments

This is where you can nominate the biggets policy screw-up of 2007.  Here’s some suggested topics: Not providing conduit funding to DMA Delaware Psychiatric Center Mismanagement City of Wilmington Eminent Domain Abuse Tom Carper Propping up George Bush Nominations will remain open in the comments section through 3PM Friday.  Voting then begins in earnest.

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Ouch! Delaware State (the University and the Rest of Us) Called Out by Cal Blogger

Filed in Uncategorized by on December 20, 2007 32 Comments

Some blogger at the University of California takes a few pot-shots at us and our second best University (snark). Be sure to stop by and remind him that he has an action hero for a Governor and other weirdnesses of Cali. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgBPj7cxG3U[/youtube]

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The Protack Express is a Train Wreck

Filed in Uncategorized by on December 16, 2007 110 Comments

Oh my.  I cannot believe the kind of crap that Protack gets himself into.  Now it’s the issue of the unpaid staff from his last campaign.  This comes after a foiled astroturfing of the local blogosphere and the failure to pay his consultants for the last campaign. The details are really starting to crystallize over […]

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Kilroy Calls It Quits

Filed in Uncategorized by on December 12, 2007 4 Comments

Local blogger Kilroy (aka John Allison) has decided that he can’t fight the system alone.  He has decided to cease his involvement in all Red Clay affairs and resigning his post in the Republican party.  I cannot figure out if that means he’s going to stop blogging.  If he does, it will halve the number […]

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Around the Horn Friday: What Election? Edition

Filed in Uncategorized by on December 7, 2007 7 Comments

Man, I can’t believe that we are at another special election already. I am getting special election fatigue. And then we have the primaries and caucuses. Damn, I just want to get through Christmas. Kavips hits the issue in the wonderful Around the Horn competitor, Outside the Perimeter. Speaking of Kavips, I cannot get enough […]

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Around the Horn Friday: Mmmmm, Uterus Edition

Filed in Uncategorized by on November 30, 2007 3 Comments

Please let me thank donviti for a tour de force two weeks ago.  I, like most of you laughed my ass off.  Good show, my friend. Speaking of things that made me laugh, the whole Tommy Little/Frank Sims/IPOD debacle sank even deeper into the gutter last weekend with aTommy Little interview on WGMD.  You gotta […]

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Delawares Toll on Nearby States

Filed in Uncategorized by on November 29, 2007 13 Comments

Is anyone else as embarrassed about Delaware’s toll plazas as I am?  We really shouldn’t be charging for our tiny stretch of 95 at all.

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Filed in Uncategorized by on November 12, 2007 39 Comments

This is what I’d expect from local R’s in delaware.  Hey DonvitiFuck you!‘nough said or this tough talk….grrrr…I’m a tough guy! chickenshit my ass …whose bee there? me, you fuckin prick…so as @ said before..Fuck you! I never joined for college money douchebag. I joined out of love for country! It’s funny, this is the […]

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Around the Horn Friday: Escheat Shuffle Edition

Filed in Uncategorized by on November 9, 2007 14 Comments

I have to say that I am pretty saddened by the whole Lofink story.  I remember when Vince won his first election, because one of his sons was a student of mine.  I  hope that  the whole thing works out as fairly as possible.  I was pretty happy that with just a few exceptions, the […]

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