Tag: Delaware

LNG Plant Dealt Another Blow

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 13, 2007 1 Comment

The whiners across the river lost another round of “Whose River is it Anyway?”  The Supreme Special Master issues a ruling today that reaffirmed the ownership of the Delaware River (to the NJ shoreline) belongs to Delaware.  The Supreme Court still has to rule, but NJ and DE have been down this road enough times […]

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Bryon Short: The DelawareLiberal Interview

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 12, 2007 2 Comments
Bryon Short: The DelawareLiberal Interview

Bryon Short is the Democratic candidate for the 7th District to replace Wayne Smith. The special election it this Saturday. Bryon and I have been exchanging emails for the past few weeks and I deeply appreciate that he took the time to respond to me and my inane questions and provide the answers to them. […]

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Wonky Wednesday: Politics Is Not a Spectator Sport

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 11, 2007 3 Comments

Woody Allen has been quoted as saying, “80 percent of success is showing up.” This is particularly true in politics, and thus I am presenting two opportunities in which you can make a difference by showing up. Delaware for Obama is organizing in Delaware, and the folks involved have asked that we help pass the […]

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Around the Horn Friday: Hoppin’ Down the the Bunny Trail Edition

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 6, 2007 5 Comments

It has been a busy week for me personally, so sorry that I haven’t posted much. Damn corporate intrigue. Luckily, in my relative absence, donviti has stepped in and filled the void. Great posts dude. Myself, Tom Noyes, Jason and donviti (just missing Dr. Nick) all converged on Iron Hill last week for Drinking Liberally. […]

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The Dr. Nick Interview with Matt Denn

Filed in Uncategorized by on March 31, 2007 20 Comments

Editors Note: I view Matt Denn’s tenure as Delaware’s Insurance Commissioner as a refreshing return to the kind of old school Democratic values that seem to have been lost by a generation of Democratic politicians. He has long been a favorite of Delaware liberal and has recently cemented his reputation around here by consenting to […]

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Atkins Roundup

Filed in Uncategorized by on January 4, 2007

If you haven’t been following the latest discussion of Rep. John “Booze ‘n Bruise” Atkins, here’s the trail for you to follow: Mike Matthews brings new details to light: After having an enjoyable night out at at a Halloween party (word has it that Rep. Atkins’ wife showed up in a police-officer-porn-star costume!) at that ultimate […]

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Crashing the Gate

Filed in National by on December 29, 2006

Howdy folks, I’m X Stryker, and I’ll be your host during Jason’s vacation week. I’m an Obama fan, and a frequent commenter on Swing State Project. I’m not one to shy away from controversy, so I’ll get straight to business: Dana‘s exposing more double dipping from Democratic state legislators, and provides an outlet in the comments section […]

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