Tag: Delaware

Delaware Liberal Ranked #1 Blog in DE !!!!

Filed in Delaware by on October 6, 2009 17 Comments

Suck on that Bitches!

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Around the Horn Sunday

Filed in National by on October 4, 2009 7 Comments
Around the Horn Sunday

This week’s roundup of local political news from around the Delaware blogosphere.

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Around the Horn Sunday

Filed in National by on September 20, 2009 7 Comments
Around the Horn Sunday

We lost a blog this week, as Dana Garrett retired (temporarily perhaps) as a result of a new job that will take more of his time. That is the problem with individual blogging. You almost have to be retired, or independently wealthy, to do it by yourself. Now, some do it, and do it well, […]

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RD 37 Special Election Results Thread

Filed in Delaware by on September 12, 2009 27 Comments

We forgot to put up a thread this morning reminding people of the 37th Representative district to vote today. The special election for replace Joe Booth featured 37 year-old public defender Rob Robinson and 50-something lobbyist and realtor Ruth Briggs King. We’ll post results as we see them. Department of Elections on-line results. Update 1: […]

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Mike Castle Taking Credit for Yet Another ARRA Project

Filed in National by on August 30, 2009 5 Comments

A reminder to everyone following at home — Mike Castle proudly voted against the Recovery Act.

And yet, here he is — front and center taking credit — for helping Wesley College get a new piece of equipment.

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Cattle Call – Delaware Senate Race

Filed in Delaware by on August 29, 2009 17 Comments

Who do you think should run for the open Senate seat in 2010? Democrats, Republicans, Independents – tell us your picks.

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From Autumn Festival to Fallen Festival

Filed in National by on August 29, 2009 47 Comments
From Autumn Festival to Fallen Festival

The Brandywine Arts Festival is homeless and that’s not the worst part.

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We Miss Deadlines All The Time

Filed in National by on August 28, 2009 7 Comments
We Miss Deadlines All The Time

The Dover Post via the Community News has an article about the Video and Sports Lottery Study Commission meeting for the first time yesterday to begin their mandate of “investigating the possible effects of new gambling venues on state revenues, business at existing casinos, the horseracing industry, the job market and local communities.” One of […]

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Help Cast The DE Political Blogosphere Movie

Filed in National by on August 19, 2009 26 Comments

Here is something we have not tried in a while. I guess the summer slowdown and talk of identity have put me the mood to put on my casting director’s hat. Me > I’m hoping for Ron Livingston but will probably be played by Oliver Platt. Mike Castle > Steve Buscemi Tom Carper > James […]

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A Very Special Around the Horn

Filed in Delaware by on August 7, 2009 19 Comments
A Very Special Around the Horn

Tonight, I was prepared to, at best, declare that coverage of the right wing local blog,Delaware Politics, would no longer be a part of Around the Horn, or at worst, end this column, which provides coverage of the Delaware blogosphere. Why? Because of the attempted outting of Kavips by Dave Burris at Delaware Politics, and […]

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CRI’s Impact on Real People

Filed in National by on August 6, 2009 45 Comments

I’m not going to assign blame to a particular individual for the posting of payroll information. I don’t know if that decision was made by the Director of CRI, board members or the anonymous money men behind the whole thing. But Dave Burris got all bent out of shape for Kavips’ dissection of one of their employees resumes. Dave’s main complaint seemed to be the poisoning of the well for said director in his next job interview.

If a state employee resume comes across a potential employers desk, CRI’s database of payroll data is likely to assist the employer in negotiating salary.

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It is coming: Twin Lakes Charity Event 8/15

Filed in National by on August 5, 2009 0 Comments

If you haven’t been hearing a buzz about this event you apparently aren’t in tune with what is going on in Delaware. We will be selling tickets online starting tomorrow once everything is verified. If you don’t know what is going on with the event we have set up a separate page giving you all […]

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Election Day in SD 19!

Filed in National by on August 3, 2009 10 Comments

Voters of the 19th Senate district, be sure to vote today! The polls are open from 7 AM – 8 PM.

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