Tag: DELDOT Secretary Jennifer Cohan

Delaware General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Tues., June 30, 2015

Filed in Delaware by on June 30, 2015 21 Comments
Delaware General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Tues., June 30, 2015


That will likely be the headline from the last day of session barring something unexpected.

Especially with the Rethugs seemingly determined to abdicate any responsibility to be, um, responsible. For purely id(iot)eological reasons, the R’s have tied any willingness to cooperate to screwing workers through their obsessive need to push for ‘right to work for less’.  They have also abandoned any pretense of thinking for themselves, leaving all talking points to their ALEC overlords. Check out their refusal to stop the escalating infrastructure crisis from getting any funding. Check out the result.  Greg Lavelle perhaps cemented (the use of ‘cemented’ is deliberate) his position as the Worst Legislator in the General Assembly by his phony demands for ‘reform’ which, for anyone paying attention, simply is a transfer of  administrative costs from the Transportation Trust Fund to the operating budget w/o providing a mechanism to pay for it:

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