Tag: Democrats
Republicans Are Still Really Unpopular
The conventional wisdom this summer was that the GOP was ascendant because of the passion of the teabaggers and that they stand to gain seats in the 2010 elections. However, polling data over this period has shown a decrease in support for Democrats but has not shown any subsequent rise in favorability of the Republican […]
Reforming the Democratic Presidential Nomination Process
Steve Benen at Washington Monthly reminds us that even though this is a non-election year, there is a lot of work going on behind the scenes. IF I EVER HEAR THE WORD ‘SUPERDELEGATE’ AGAIN…. The current system the major political parties use to nominate presidential candidates has very few defenders. The process is, by any […]
Psssttt…Jay…We’ve Been Telling You This For Months
Jay Rockefeller is “getting it.” On Thursday, Rockefeller admitted he expects little bipartisan support. “There is a very small chance any Republicans will vote for this health-care plan. They were against Medicare and Medicaid [created in the 1960s]. They voted against children’s health insurance. “We have a moral choice. This is a classic case of […]
What’s The Point of Having Cake If You Can’t Eat It?
(Via From Pine View Farm) That is my favorite saying from the Muppets’ Miss Piggy in response to someone who was silly enough to recite the tired cliche that she could not have her cake and eat it too. Apparently Blue Dog Democrats think this way too: Overall, Blue Dogs submitted more than 2,500 individual […]
Howard Dean Leaving DNC
Very sad, but not unexpected. The rumors seem to have Claire McCaskell leading the DNC with Steve Hildebrand as her second. But the 50 State strategy seems to be new organizing bedrock and will stay on for awhile. I remember when the elected and pundit Dem elites went batshit crazy (repubs laughed and laughed) when […]
Democratic City Committee Rally Today
The Democratic City Committee is having a GOTV rally at the Delaware Association of Police building at 2201 Lancaster Avenue today, Wednesday 22 October from 5:30 to 8. Invitation is extended to everyone and children are welcome. Let us know if you go, and we’ll post pictures and reports if you send them to us!
The “No Liberals On TV” Rule Needs Revisiting
The “conservatives only” policies of cable news were put to the test by Olbermann. Now Maddow is kicking it. Rachel Maddow, a woman who does not own a television set, has done something that is virtually unheard of: she has doubled the audience for a cable news channel’s 9 p.m. hour in a matter of […]
The DelawareLiberal Interview of Matt Denn: Part 2
This is the second part of our interview with Matt Denn. Listen Here.
Terry Spence Hitching His Campaign to Markell?
Nationally, we’ve seen a few endangered Republican candidates openly embrace their associations (real and imagined) with Barack Obama. Unstable Isotope recently reported here a story she had heard about Republicans not including their affiliations on their signage and literature or claiming to be Independent as a way to run from the damaged brand. This is […]
You’re Doin’ A Heck of A Job There, Mr. Bush!
On the eve of the DE Republican Convention, we should note that it turns out that 7 years of the Worst.President.Ever. has the amazing side benefit of creating new, young Democratic voters. A new poll from Pew shows that the previous CW about Dems having a slight advantage among younger voters (18-29 year olds) may […]
The First Debate: Education
Attendees of the debate tonight between Democratic gubernatorial Jack Markell and John Carney on Education pretty much filled the lower space of the Grand and there were some folks who ventured up to the (cordoned off) area upstairs. Markell supporters were very visible – ranging from the kids outside with signs and cheers (having some […]
Now this is biased reporting!
DOVER — Senate Republicans, frustrated by what they see as foot-dragging on their package of bills to force state agencies to open their finances — and their checkbooks — to public scrutiny, are trying to do an end run around the Senate and its desk-drawer veto. How’s that for an opening paragraph? It’s all the […]
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