Tag: Discrimination

Representative Mike Ramone, Charter School Lobbyist

Filed in Delaware by on January 28, 2016 6 Comments
Representative Mike Ramone, Charter School Lobbyist

Mr. Ramone needs to read the regs pertaining to per student funding in public education. When a student moves from a District school to a Charter school, the tax money collected by the original district for spending on that student goes with the student to the charter. There is no fiscal “responsibility” borne by the Charter, the sending District is paying that child’s per-student expense. If Mr. Ramone doesn’t believe that, I have a $21 million charter bill Christina School District is paying this year for him to look at. Email me, Rep Ramone: brianstephan@gmail.com and I can help you understand how public schools are funded in this state.

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Hire the Qualified

Filed in National by on July 8, 2010 28 Comments

There is a new movement that has come from some of the people active in the Delaware social media scene to preempt some of the awful discrimination that is now facing the unemployed and others. In an economy that now has 5 unemployed workers for every open job, some employers have started putting disqualifiers in […]

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