Tag: DREAM Act Delaware; Maria Matos Delaware; Steve Tanzer Delaware; El Somnambulo;

General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thurs., March 15, 2012

Filed in National by on March 15, 2012 3 Comments

Cassandra has already reported the Big News, and it took place at Wilmington’s Latin American Community Center. In fact, the DREAM Act has not been officially introduced, or at least its introduction has not yet made its way to the official General Assembly page, but it will be introduced, and it will serve as a Rorschach Test for members of the General Assembly and the public at large. I strongly support the bill, it is a bill where the benefits to the state far outweigh any costs that might be associated with it. Unless, of course, you are opposed to an educated and upwardly-mobile citizenry. You know, taxpayers, productive citizens. I don’t know whether the cowardly followers in the Delaware General Assembly will dare pass it during an election year, but I believe that the Dream Act’s passage is ultimately inevitable–eventually. I salute Bob Marshall, Helene Keeley, Joe Miro, and whoever else signs onto the bill as a sponsor; as well as one of my favorite Delawareans, Maria Matos. Maria has served as Executive Director of the LACC since 1994, and her dynamic leadership has made such a difference, and continues to make a difference, in the lives of so many in Delaware’s Hispanic community.

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