Tag: Featured

The Most Important Delaware Race of 2016…

Filed in Delaware by on September 8, 2015 26 Comments
The Most Important Delaware Race of 2016…

…will be the primary for US Congress between State Rep. Bryon Short and State Senator Bryan Townsend.

It is a battle of the present (and, one hopes, the past) of the Democratic Party vs. a more progressive future.

Make no mistake: Bryon Short is the chosen heir to the mantle of middle-of-the-road mediocrity personified by Tom Carper and John Carney. He, or more likely Ed Freel and his ilk, have chosen ex-Carper staffer Mat Marshall to run his campaign. Carper’s ‘Brain’, Ed Freel, is calling the shots from his UD bunker.  Short, of course, served in Carper’s congressional office, and has made no bones about his friendship with Carper and Carney.  You may also recall that Bryon Short bottled up a minimum wage increase in his House committee until the bill was essentially emasculated.  Although strong on social issues, Short’s principal legislative focus has been on cutting yet more ‘red tape’ that, according to the Chamber and its allies, hobble businesses in Delaware. In fact, Short essentially had a committee created just for him with this run in mind: The (get this) House Economic Development/ Banking/Insurance/Commerce Committee, aka The Business Lapdog Committee.

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The Smarter Balanced Assessment Results Are In

Filed in Delaware by on September 3, 2015 22 Comments
The Smarter Balanced Assessment Results Are In

I’m not even sure where to begin. I’ll start here:

Only half of Delaware students are proficient in English and fewer than four in 10 are proficient in math, according to results of the state’s tough new standardized test, the Smarter Balanced Assessment. (link takes you to the results)


It’s no secret I’m not a fan of standardized tests, mainly because I think we’re using them incorrectly.  We focus on handing out gold stars to schools who pass and slap “failing” labels on schools that don’t. But… maybe this is changing?

“There will certainly be an increase in regards to how the state allocates resources–and that’s really part of the value here–let’s understand which districts and which schools have the greatest struggles, and let’s make sure that we, as a state, are able to allocate resources to those students who need it most.”

Hey, that sounds like equitable funding. Could it be? I’m skeptical tho, since I lived through the Priority School fiasco. “Allocate resources” is usually followed with the threat of charter conversion, privatization and closure. We’ll see. That said, if these tests were actually used to help struggling schools (instead of punishing them) I’d change my tune.

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The Nest Is Empty And, Boy, Does It Feel Strange

Filed in Delaware by on August 24, 2015 22 Comments
The Nest Is Empty And, Boy, Does It Feel Strange

I haven’t been blogging a lot because this spring and summer have been crazy. My youngest graduated high school, had her wisdom teeth removed, and attended orientation at the university she finally decided on. My oldest knocked off a summer course at UD (He’s starting his senior year of Mech Engineering and decided to take a required gen-ed Philosophy course over the summer mainly because he knew he wouldn’t give it the attention it needed given his course load this year. Sounded like a good philosophy to me!) Add to that all the shopping for my daughter’s dorm, ordering textbooks, finalizing class schedules, endless list making, packing up two kids, scheduling doctor’s appointments before both of them left the state, and fitting in a lot of family time and you’ll see why my blogging lagged.

I still read DL every day!

But this weekend everything came to a screeching halt. They left. In the blink of an eye I went from having a million things to do and a house full of people (and chaos!) to… silence. That freaked me out.

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On Bernie Sanders and being a realist Progressive

Filed in National by on August 13, 2015
On Bernie Sanders and being a realist Progressive

It is 2007. Our wonderful Pandora says to family and friends that the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate is a shoe-in to win the Presidency, unless of course that candidate is a black man or a woman. She of course thinks there is a lot of racism and sexism left in the world, and that would prevent either from winning a general election. And of course she was and is right. Where I disagreed with her was that the racists and sexists wouldn’t be voting for the Democrat in the general election anyway, for, after realignment over the last forty years, they were diehard Republicans.

Thus, for me, thinking that race and gender were no longer barriers to winning the Presidency, I firmly believed a Democrat, any Democrat (well except maybe John Edwards) would win the general election. So, I abandoned my traditional pragmatism when it comes to voting.

You see, I usually want to vote for the most progressive candidate that can win.

Because winning is important to me. You don’t get to enact progressive policies to affect progressive change unless you first win an election.

So in evaluating candidates, I follow my heart and mind. But in 2008, I could more follow my heart, because my mind told me any Democrat then running (save John Edwards with Gingrich-style cheating on his cancer stricken wife) could win. And so I went with Barack Obama instead of Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden.

But now it is 2015.

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They love to send letters…..

Filed in National by on August 8, 2015 7 Comments
They love to send letters…..

Senator Gary Simpson and Representative Daniel Short, the Minority Leaders for the Republicans in the General Assembly, have sent a letter to Delaware Health Secretary Rita Landgraf on Wednesday in order to take advantage of the current conservative push to defame and defund Planned Parenthood, thereby harming if not ending healthcare for women in Delaware. So once again, Delaware’s Republicans are attaching themselves to a national and radical social conservatism that has made the state Republican Party toxic in Delaware for the last 23 years.

Since Delaware Republicans abhor doing their own homework, I have done some for them, to answer their questions in their letter.

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Carper Leaning Yes. Coons Leans War.

Filed in National by on August 6, 2015 68 Comments
Carper Leaning Yes.  Coons Leans War.

Unthankfully, Chris Coons, supposedly the smart one, is leaning no.

Sen. Chris Coons, who was personally lobbied by President Barack Obama and national security adviser Susan Rice to back the deal during a trip to Africa in July, said the view of the accord was about evenly split in his home state of Delaware in the first few days after the announcement. But the Democrat now says telephone calls against the deal outnumber those in favor by 10-to-1 in his state, an avalanche of opposition he has no choice but to listen to.

“I am a Democrat, and I would like to be able to support this agreement,” Coons said. “But I have serious reservations about it.”

Let me make some things crystal clear for the Senator.

If you vote no, you are not a Democrat.

If you vote no, you want and desire immediate war.

The day after you vote no, you and I can meet at Elaine Manlove’s office, and I will help you fill out the forms to change your registration to the Republican Party.

Your next election is not until 2020, but I will make it my life’s work to deny you renomination and reelection. You will be the Joe Lieberman of Delaware. You think we hold Tom Carper in disdain for his moderation at times, just wait to see what we do to you.

I can give two shits about conservative astro-turf phone calls to your office. This is one of those issues where you substitute your own judgment and your knowledge for the people’s rather than just being a conduit of what an unintelligent Sussex County teabagger thinks.

And if you genuinely have reservations about this deal, let me tell you something: everyone has reservations about this deal. This is a deal with an adversary. An enemy. Someone and something we do not trust. If you did not have reservations about this deal, you would be an idiot. I have reservations about this deal. We have to see whether Iran sticks to it. That is my reservation. And if they do not, guess what Senator… WE CAN BOMB THEM THEN. WE CAN REIMPOSE SANCTIONS THEN. WE CAN GO TO WAR THEN.

To vote no now means you unequivocally want war now. It means you do not want to even give peace and inspections a chance. It means you have no brain. It means you are a Republican.

If you are really taking into account the phone calls of those who do nothing all day but sit at home and watch Fox News, please remember, they voted for Christine O’Donnell. They never voted for you. They never will. And besides, your next election is in 2020. Chances are they will be dead by then anyway.

Seriously though, to base a vote of this importance on feedback your office receives makes me question your suitability and ability to perform your job. It also makes me think you are a coward. Whether you fear the voters or you fear your donors, or both, you are still acting out of fear.

DL readers, since it appears the so wise Senator places great value on the calls he gets, take a moment and call 202-224-5042, say you are a Democrat, say that he will support the Iran Deal or he will not be the Democratic nominee in 2020. Say all that.

It’s time to clobber our mealy mouthed federal representation over the head.

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Where Are The Smarter Balanced Test Results?

Filed in Delaware by on August 3, 2015 6 Comments
Where Are The Smarter Balanced Test Results?

According to Kavips (posted on August 1st):

It has been 7 days now that the Delaware Department has sat on the results of the Smarter Balanced Assessments. Day one was the release by other states of their preliminary data alerting all that the state now had the results…

One must ask why in the “most open and transparent administration in Delaware’s history” (Markell’s state of the state claim) we are still waiting for the preliminary data to be released.

Do we really have the results? The test was given last spring (March and April) so you’d think for a test to have educational impact the results would be available quickly.

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Can You Chip In To Help Planned Parenthood?

Filed in National by on July 31, 2015 12 Comments
Can You Chip In To Help Planned Parenthood?

Never mind that this probably won’t pass… yet. The writing is on the wall, and it doesn’t have a single thing to do with abortion (Hello, Hyde Amendment). But given the rampant ignorance and stupidity within the Republican Party we really need to send a message.

Via WSJ:

The Senate will vote as early as Monday on a bill to strip Planned Parenthood of federal funding, a largely symbolic vote causing pain for centrists in both parties and drawing fire from conservatives who say it won’t satisfy their quest to put the organization out of business.

The bill isn’t expected to garner the 60 votes needed to advance, as nearly all Democrats object to it. Its defeat, however, won’t end the effort to cut off federal money for Planned Parenthood.

When you consider the Hyde Amendment, you need to ask yourself, what is the real agenda of the GOP? The correct answer is that The War on Women continues. This is really about contraception… and women who have the ability to have an enjoy sex (a mythical creature in GOP land, among GOP men and women – which is really sad.) without the fear of pregnancy.

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Ready, Fire, Aim — The Operation Disrupt Edition

Filed in Delaware by on July 29, 2015 19 Comments
Ready, Fire, Aim — The Operation Disrupt Edition

Today, we get a hilarious press release from the Mayor’s Office announcing that the WPD’s Operation Disrupt is now coming back. This is the Operation Disrupt put into place with great fanfare after multiple shootings in January — pulling the city’s Community Police Unit, as well as resources from other special units to flood the streets of certain sections of the city with officers. And only for eight hours in the evening and only for 5 days a week. Sundays were covered by NCCOPD and Mondays were covered on an ad hoc basis. Operation Disrupt started winding down in March and by the time that the WPSSC presented its report, Operation Disrupt was a shadow of its former self, with most of the special unit officers returned to their units and the CPU officers preparing to move on to other assignments. This is March 31. The NJ reported that Operation Disrupt was being reconfigured into a 7 officer unit that would specifically target certain areas. Then it said that Operation Disrupt was over on June 5, which may be when the original configuration ended. And then — TA DA! — Operation Disrupt is BACK and Mayor and the Chief are pulling the newly deployed CPU to do the larger effort.

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A Shooting Happens on My Block

Filed in Delaware by on July 26, 2015 72 Comments
A Shooting Happens on My Block

Thursday night, a man was murdered in his home on the 500 block of W 4th St in Quaker Hill. This man was my neighbor, and this is the block I live on. A week ago — also on a Thursday — I returned home from a late run to BJs for gas to drive […]

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Al Mascitti, Bill Cosby And Me

Filed in National by on July 20, 2015 15 Comments
Al Mascitti, Bill Cosby And Me

I have avoided this topic, mainly because it seems so obvious. Bill Cosby drugged women in order to sexually assault them. That’s my opinion and I’m sticking with it. Via NYT: While Mr. Cosby insisted the only drug he had given Ms. Constand was Benadryl, he was open about his access in the 1970s to […]

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Schwartzkopf’s Budget Deal Deplorable. Was It Also Illegal?

Filed in Delaware by on July 8, 2015 36 Comments
Schwartzkopf’s Budget Deal Deplorable. Was It Also Illegal?

I think the answer may well be yes.

But first, let’s talk about how Pistol Pete threw over his own caucus in order to crawl into bed with the Rethugs.  According to several Leg Hall sources, Speaker Schwartzkopf had pledged to reconvene with his caucus to try to recalibrate any budget agreement that could impact core D constituencies.  Specifically, those who were at risk of losing 10% in public assistance for health care.  He did not hold that promised meeting. Instead, he called the Budget Bill up for a vote, which is why so many D progressives voted no.  And, yes, those receiving public assistance saw their monthly stipend cut from $90 monthly to $81.  Meanwhile, $1.2 mill worth of additional state police coverage to Sussex County and $3 mill of Ag Lands preservation were the booty claimed by the Rethugs and, not coincidentally, by Sussex County’s most powerful legislator, Schwartzkopf. Oh, and the $5 mill that was transferred from the Transportation Trust Fund in the name of ‘reform’, ended up…nope, not telling you yet.

Soon. Have patience.  Let me first start with what might appear to appear to be mundane language, but will prove to be real important, IMHO.

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The Vote Tracker — Final Update for the First Session of the 148th General Assembly

Filed in National by on July 7, 2015 13 Comments
The Vote Tracker — Final Update for the First Session of the 148th General Assembly

Every time I update the vote tracker, I change it. This time is no exception. I am done with the Excel spreadsheets. I don’t like the way it presents in the embed windows, and I did not like other technical aspects. So we are back to Word, and I have further divided the Vote Tracker into five different documents based on the statuses of the bills: PASSED, ONE CHAMBERED HAS VOTED, WAITING FOR A VOTE, STILL IN COMMITTEE, and REJECTED.

Come inside to download each Tracker.

As we have already discussed here and elsewhere, this has been a disappointing first session of the 148th General Assembly, especially on the budget. And given the drastic budget shortfall that faces the next session, drastic measures are called for among the Democratic leadership. But I will get to that in a second. Let’s first review our list of progressive priorities and how they fared…. and then I lay down the gauntlet on the single progressive priority for next year.

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