Tag: Featured

The Kids Are All Right

Filed in National by on September 24, 2014 11 Comments
The Kids Are All Right

Hundreds of students in a Colorado school district walked out of class to protest another conservative effort to rewrite history and control the information we get:

Hundreds of students walked out of classrooms around suburban Denver on Tuesday in protest over a conservative-led school board proposal to focus history education on topics that promote citizenship, patriotism and respect for authority, in a show of civil disobedience that the new standards would aim to downplay.

Got that? The conservatives in this school district want to replace an education in American History with “patriotic” indoctrination.

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Delaware Sends Three Busloads To Climate March

Filed in National by on September 22, 2014 13 Comments
Delaware Sends Three Busloads To Climate March

The First State sent three busloads of concerned citizens to the September 21 massive and largely media-ignored Climate March in New York City. Reports claimed 400,000 marchers and I believe them, given the shoulder to shoulder shuffle we joyfully experienced on Sunday at Central Park Avenue.

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Frederic Douglass Explains Racial Malice

Filed in National by on September 19, 2014 2 Comments
Frederic Douglass Explains Racial Malice

I am privileged to know and to have worked with Former Congressman Craig A. Washington of Bastrop and Houston Texas who shared this with me. He represented well the good people of Barbara Jordan’s district after having served in the Texas legislature.

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A Delaware Poll! Coons leads Wade by 15, and we got approval numbers on Obama, Biden, Carper and Markell

Filed in Delaware by on September 16, 2014 14 Comments
A Delaware Poll!   Coons leads Wade by 15, and we got approval numbers on Obama, Biden, Carper and Markell

For some reason, the Republican-leaning Rasmussen polled little ole Delaware, and found Senator Chris Coons (D) leading Republican nominee Kevin Wade, 49% to 34%. A source who has access to some of the internals that are hidden behind a pay wall on Rasmussen’s site has sent me snapshots of the favorability ratings of Vice President Biden and Senator Carper, and the approval ratings of Governor Markell and President Obama. Unfortunately, my source did not have any further numbers for Senator Coons or GOP Nominee Kevin Wade. Come inside for the surprising numbers.

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Apocalypse: From U.S.Petro Or ISIL?

Filed in National by on September 12, 2014 14 Comments
Apocalypse: From U.S.Petro Or ISIL?

Ok, then. From the President’s speech we’re sort of at war with ISIL? Not exactly war, according to John Kerry, but sorta. Let’s just call it large scale counter terrorism, he says. More like humanitarian bombings.

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Ken Simpler Thinks That Seniors Are Stealing From You

Filed in Delaware by on September 11, 2014 169 Comments

He argues in this piece over at Town Square Delaware that seniors who are taking advantage of Medicare Part D subsidies and co-pays are stealing. To be fair, the analogies and even the basic metaphor here are incredibly tortured. Starting with trying to make the hold up a bunch of convenience stores somehow the equivalent of presenting an insurance card to get a discount on medications, then moving on to claim that savings from the Medicare Part D aren’t savings, then working at trying to wrap around all of it around no free lunches, government taking, the NJ needing to report better and Astra Zeneca laying people off. (This was sent to be by a GOP pal, who noted in his email to me “You will have a field day with this!”)

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Delaware Liberal Primary Endorsements

Filed in Delaware by on September 8, 2014 34 Comments
Delaware Liberal Primary Endorsements

Took long enough, right? We’re ready with our endorsements, after a simple vote. We did not require a unanimous decision to endorse, but I think we pretty nearly were unanimous on these. This is who your charming and knowledgeable Editors endorse for tomorrow’s primary:

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Governor And Department of Ed: “Announcing New Education Initiative” Event

Filed in Delaware by on September 4, 2014 25 Comments
Governor And Department of Ed: “Announcing New Education Initiative” Event

I just returned from attending this:  Announcing New Education Initiative What: Governor Markell and the Department of Education will announce a new initiative to support many of the state’s most disadvantaged students–Joined by state legislators and education and community leaders, the Governor will provide details of the state’s plan. Who: Governor Markell Secretary Mark Murphy, […]

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Thank You, Mr. President For Not Leading And Not Having A Strategery

Filed in International by on September 4, 2014 78 Comments
Thank You, Mr. President For Not Leading And Not Having A Strategery

The right accuses President Obama of not “leading”, and horror upon horrors, not having a strategery, err, strategy. They are amplified by much of the mainstream media who, with the right, succumbed to the same sky is falling bait fed by the right in 2003.

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Delaware ADA Makes Their Endorsements

Filed in Delaware by on September 4, 2014 33 Comments
Delaware ADA Makes Their Endorsements

This is actually Round 2 of the ADA endorsements — and their complete list (from their Press Release) is listed below. This list (mostly) doesn’t surprise me:

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El Somnambulo Predicts ‘Em All For You

Filed in Delaware by on September 2, 2014 23 Comments
El Somnambulo Predicts ‘Em All For You

This column will self-destruct sometime around 9 p.m. next Tuesday. Or perhaps Saturday, according to Dave Tackett’s latest mailer (seriously, he has the wrong day for the primary on his mailer.) Time to pick the primary winners (and losers).

State Senator-SD 11 (D):  Even with pretty good name recognition, it’s hard to win a D primary against a popular incumbent when your ideological base resides within a right-wing evangelical church. Bryan Townsend gives Dave Tackett a well-deserved whooping, I mean whoooping, 62-38. (Memo to Dave: Next time, try Spell Check. Despite what it says on your latest piece, there are only two o’s in ‘trooper’, not three. Oh, and political mailers should have a disclaimer as to who paid for them. You’re welcome.)

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Labor Day: Honoring The Labor Leaders I’ve Known

Filed in National by on September 1, 2014 2 Comments
Labor Day:  Honoring The Labor Leaders I’ve Known

This 2014 Labor Day give me the opportunity to reflect on the labor leaders and organizers I’ve had the privilege to know. Few of those among us who are not union members appreciate the brutal, thankless work done by labor leaders in this country that make our working lives at least halfway tolerable. I want to honor the several such leaders who have impacted my life so positively.

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Delaware 2014: The House [Pre-Primary]

Filed in National by on August 29, 2014 20 Comments
Delaware 2014: The House [Pre-Primary]

Here is my pre-primary look at the state of play in the State House of Representatives. The Democrats currently hold the majority of 27 to 14. The Republicans are looking to make inroads into that margin, and they will. But do the Dems have pickup opportunities of their own?

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