Tag: Featured

New Legislation Proposed to Decriminalize Marijuana Possession

Filed in Delaware by on June 2, 2014 17 Comments
New Legislation Proposed to Decriminalize Marijuana Possession

Yes, this is actually happening in Delaware. Rep, Helene Keeley (my rep!) has sponsored HB 371, legislation that would allow Delawareans to possess less than an ounce of marijuana and makes public consumption of marijuana a civil (rather than criminal) offense. Should this pass, Delaware would join 18 other states and multiple municipalities in helping to de-escalate the War on Drugs. People with small amounts of marijuana are a wasteful target for law enforcement (unless, of course, they are suspects in other crimes) and it is well past time to refocus limited dollars and resources for law enforcement on the crimes that actually harm people or property. I support this effort. Here is the press release on this bill:

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Why Wilmington Is Experiencing Financial Hardships

Filed in Delaware by on June 2, 2014 2 Comments
Why Wilmington Is Experiencing Financial Hardships

That is the title of an opinion piece published in the NJ yesterday from Dace Blaskovitz — a member (until very recently) of the WEFAC (Wilmington Economic and Financial Advisory Council). He’s had an up close and personal look at Wilmington financial trends for quite a few years, and recently quit the WEFAC (this isn’t news?) — according to him — after Mayor Williams announced he was going for a 9.9% property tax increase. His POV of Wilmington’s financial woes is worth reading — much of it is very familiar. I can’t vouch for his numbers on the trends he discusses, but total payroll *has* gone up — this is due not just to the hiring of people but also due to increased health care costs. That last one is true for most employers who provide health care benefits. Note also that most of the city employees have not had COLA increases in several years and I believe that all of the city’s unions are working without a contract.

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Republican Hypocrisy on the VA Scandal

Filed in National by on May 30, 2014 11 Comments
Republican Hypocrisy on the VA Scandal

The abuse of the VA scandal in a midterm election year to “rock” the anti-Obama vote is entirely disgraceful. The issue of VA bureaucracy is one that has existed for decades now, and while President Obama hasn’t done enough to solve the issue, pinning the fault entirely on the President is plainly wrong.

From 1921’s Veteran’s Bureau collapse, to unpaid revolutionary soldiers, to today’s waiting lists, the issue of how we treat our veterans is one that needs an open national discussion, not a finger-pointing series of aggressive speeches and letters.

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Delaware Political Weekly: May 21-27, 2014

Filed in Delaware by on May 30, 2014 9 Comments
Delaware Political Weekly: May 21-27, 2014

Here are some names of people who haven’t yet filed, and whose candidacies may be in doubt:

State Auditor Tom Wagner: Has any statewide official ever done less work while being paid by the taxpayers over a longer period of time than Wagner? Faced with an inspiring and hard-working challenger in Brenda Mayrack, does Wagner really want to go out on his shield? We already know he doesn’t want to have to work too hard to get reelected. And he’s gonna have to work hard to have any chance of fending off Mayrack.

State Rep. Rebecca Walker (D-RD 9): This one’s real interesting. As I’ve written, Walker has not been a powerhouse as a campaigner. She is facing a credible challenger in realtor Kevin Hensley.

State Rep. Andria Bennett (D-RD 32): Andria Bennett has shown tremendous growth as a representative, and is now one of a handful of the most consistently progressive legislators in Dover. All I’d heard was some scuttlebutt that it wasn’t a sure thing that she’d run again, although the sense was that she would. I hope she does.

Dave Tackett (for State Senate District 11): It was with great fanfare and not-so-great grammar that New Castle County Councilman Dave Tackett announced that he would primary State Senator Bryan Townsend this year. That was well over a month ago. Since then, no filing nor, as far as I can find, any type of campaign website. Could it be that Tackett’s realizing that going up against Townsend would be a fool’s errand? I dunno, but his campaign seems to be in limbo.

And there are others…

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Texas, The Epicenter Of The Tea Party

Filed in National by on May 29, 2014 16 Comments
Texas, The Epicenter Of The Tea Party

Always has been. Or, at least from the day Dick Armey became chair of Citizens For A Sound Economy in 2003. That’s Dick Armey, Republican from north Texas. CSE was a pretty nondescript political funding vehicle for the anti-tax movement when founded by the Koch brothers from nearby Kansas in 1984. But Army gave it brainy fire and brimstone, however plain spoken.

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Are Progressive Politics Being Redefined?

Filed in Delaware, National by on May 29, 2014 14 Comments
Are Progressive Politics Being Redefined?

There’s a great article in Vox magazine about Andrew Cuomo — Governor 1 Percent — the Governor of New York who is seen in many circles as the future of the Democratic Party. What this article does well (I think) is show the strategy of the so-called moderate Democrats — fight for socially liberal causes and values, but spend your legislative time and energies catering to the 1%. This glances by the question of whether these Democratic politicians who are proudly Blue for marriage equality, but looking to provide tax cuts and special subsidies to the 1% are actually becoming the face of what passes as progressive in this country.

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Filed in National by on May 28, 2014 104 Comments

This is the twitter hashtag that has been trending since Elliott Roger’s violence spree and since his misogynistic writings and videos came to light. It is worth spending time reading through them (there are some people — men — who refuse to take this seriously and some are angrily trolling the hashtag, but in the main, these tweets documenting the misogyny that women live with Every.Damn.Day are powerful and heartbreaking. Some will make you angry and others will make you sad. It is an amazing ourpouring from women all over the world making sure that everyone knows that misogyny like Rogers’ is something women need to constantly be prepared for — including the violence. There are a few Storifys of these tweets (and if you know of better ones, please post them up):

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The 62 Project: #’s 20 and 42

Filed in Delaware by on May 27, 2014 20 Comments
The 62 Project: #’s 20 and 42

John Kowalko’s pluses: A true progressive, unafraid to take unpopular stands, willing to be a public gadfly when needed, almost always a dependable vote for progressive principles, and a willing sponsor for progressive legislation.

Bob Venables’ pluses: A good Bond Bill chair who understands that capital investment in roads and schools is a good thing, first to really blow the whistle on the cost of prison expansion and minimum mandatory sentences, a genuinely nice person.

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The 62 Project!

Filed in Delaware by on May 27, 2014 3 Comments
The 62 Project!

Yes, it still exists, although it’s been in limbo for awhile.

For those of you who were too young and/or didn’t read this blog religiously or atheistically at the time, the 62 Project is/was designed to rank all of the legislators based on their effectiveness, accomplishments, and progressive principles. These are/were career rankings, not simply snapshots of a given period. Clearly, those with longer careers have more of a track record, for better or for worse, and are less subject to major changes in the rankings.

I now realize that there’s no way that I can continue to write the type of extensive profiles I’ve been doing, and complete this project by (my newest deadline) the September primaries. So, I will write shorter profiles that I hope capture the reason for each legislator’s ranking. Let’s first recap those I’ve already ranked…..

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What happens when you’re in a Twitter ‘spat’ with Chip Flowers and don’t even know it?

Filed in Delaware by on May 27, 2014 33 Comments
What happens when you’re in a Twitter ‘spat’ with Chip Flowers and don’t even know it?

According to Jonathan Starkey over at the News Journal, I was in a Twitter spat with Chip Flowers over a tweet I sent on Sunday about one of his challengers, Sean Barney, getting a choice spot on msnbc while the network scrambled to cover President Obama’s surprise visit to Afghanistan. Apparently, Flowers wasn’t too keen on my innocent joke that he was “pissed” at Barney’s free airtime (or, in true Flowers fashion, one of his employees was pissed, since he blamed the now-deleted tweet on an unnamed staffer). According to Flowers, Memorial Day is “above politics.”

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Congressman John Carney’s Fraudulent Fiscal Conservatism

Filed in Delaware by on May 23, 2014 7 Comments
Congressman John Carney’s Fraudulent Fiscal Conservatism

On Friday, Congressman Carney took to Facebook to burnish his cred in the Fiscal Austerity Games, to tell us all that he was named as one of the “Fiscal Heros” of the front group Fix the Debt (Senators Carper and Coons are in this group, too):

I’m humbled to have been named one of Fix the Debt’s Fiscal Heroes, but there is much more work to be done. For far too long, both Democrats and Republicans have spent trillions of dollars the nation didn’t have. I will continue to work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to make the tough decisions necessary to put the country on better fiscal footing.

Unfortunately, Congressman Carney just voted YES to authorize the FY 2015 National Defense Authorization bill — a bill that specifically INCREASES the budget for the DoD. Increases DOD programs over the objections of the DoD:

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Teabaggers, Keep Your Shitty Hands Off My VA

Filed in National by on May 22, 2014 7 Comments
Teabaggers, Keep Your Shitty Hands Off My VA

The current uproar over wait times and probable malfeasance and maybe criminal cover ups at some VA facilities being investigated has caused a call for privatization of the VA health system. This demand is mostly heard from teabagger Republicans in Congress.

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Breaking News: Delaware House Leadership Team A Team No More

Filed in Delaware by on May 22, 2014 35 Comments
Breaking News: Delaware House Leadership Team A Team No More

According to literally dozens of sources, Speaker of the House Pete Schwartzkopf and House Majority Leader Valerie Longhurst are no longer allies, to put it mildly.  In fact, they’ve had a major falling-out.

Their ‘breakup’ is the talk of Legislative Hall, and it could impact legislative deliberations during the final month of session.

You will recall that, when running for Speaker, Schwartzkopf insisted that he and Longhurst were running as a team, and that it was either both of them or neither of them.  It’s the only way that Longhurst could have been elected Majority Leader. By a narrow margin, it turned out to be both of them.

I’ll be right upfront and once again tell you that I dislike Val Longhurst intensely. She has proven that she takes delight in intimidating people and in exercising power over anyone who gets in her way. I will also tell you that she is perhaps the most universally reviled legislative leader with whom I’ve come in contact. Joe Petrilli, also a former House Majority Leader, albeit on the R side, was the previous champion, IMHO. She is despised by many staff people and by many of her colleagues in both the House and the Senate.

While I don’t know why they’ve finally stopped working together, I have to think that Speaker Schwartzkopf, if he wanted to remain Speaker Schwartzkopf next session, recognized the need to jettison the toxic Longhurst.

I, of course, would welcome any and all inside skinny from Leg Hall.

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