Tag: Featured

Biden to remain silent until January 2015.

Filed in National by on April 18, 2014 21 Comments
Biden to remain silent until January 2015.

Alan Loudell:

Molly Magarik told me Beau Biden would not be available to further discuss his political intentions as long as he remains Attorney General (No surprise!). But we have a circular loop, because – as noted earlier on this blog – the Attorney General has been noticeably unavailable for media interviews ever since his hospitalization in Texas.

Loudell also wonders if Biden can simply not campaign and not make any appearances and just rely on the Biden name to get elected. The answer to that is a resounding no. And Biden and his people need to understand that. Because I am sure it has crossed some mind somewhere in the Biden camp. I will vote Republican if that is his plan, and I will work tirelessly for that Republican, and encourage everyone I know to vote Republican. Even if that Republican is Christine O’Donnell. Even if Sarah Palin herself moves to Delaware to hunt foxes and decides “you betcha this state is small enough for me to be Governor in.” I would place “Evil (R) for Governor” bumperstickers all over my car. And the reason is that if Biden follows the Loudell hypothetical, it will be a sign of such disrespect for all Delawareans that the shower of that disrespect will need to be destroyed, in the figurative sense of course.

He cannot run for public executive office and keep his medical condition a secret, all the while using that medical condition as a reason to not make public appearances. Running for public office involves sacrifice. Sacrifice of time away from your family. Sacrifice of long hours you rather spend watching baseball instead of another rubber chicken dinner at another RD fundraiser. And you sacrifice some of your privacy. And I am not even talking about full disclosure. I don’t need every medical record, every prescription, every boo boo Biden has ever had. No, we are entitled to know what procedure Biden underwent. What the diagnosis was. What the prognosis is.

All Biden would have to say to satisfy me is….

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Delaware Political Weekly: April 12-18, 2014

Filed in Delaware by on April 17, 2014 14 Comments
Delaware Political Weekly: April 12-18, 2014

Beau Biden’s ‘letter to his supporters’ announcing that he would not run for reelection for AG but, rather, would run for Governor in 2016, was an act of breathtaking cynicism.  So let’s make one thing totally clear: He is not running for reelection because of his health. Period. With perhaps a dollop of ‘I suck so bad as AG that maybe people will forget just how bad if I’m out of office for a couple of years’.

So, let’s first look at 2016 and work our way backwards, shall we? With all that money in the bank, Beau hopes to scare off would-be challengers. If Biden’s successful, this would make it almost a certainty that your Democratic nominee for governor in 2016 would either be Beau Biden or…Tom Gordon.  You see, Tommy’s waiting in the wings with the implicit blessing of the Bidenistas. Either way, Joe Biden gets to play kingmaker. You like that? Neither do I. That’s why I find this maneuver so cynical. And so typical of all involved.

OK, let’s become Matt Denn for just a second. He’d like to be governor, but he’s enough of a realist to recognize that waiting for 2016 in (a) the oft-chance that Biden won’t run and/or (b) the hope that he’ll somehow be able to raise enough money to be competitive with Beau are possible but far from sure things. The position of AG has just opened up for this November. I betcha Matt Denn thinks he’d be a great AG. I agree. I also betcha that leaders in the Party are already beating a track to his door.  I don’t think anyone could come close to defeating Denn, should he run for AG. With no information whatsoever, I think and hope that that’s what he’ll do. He’d be an effective and progressive AG. Which is better than what we have now.

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BREAKING NEWS: AG Beau Biden will not run for reelection; will run for Governor in 2016.

Filed in National by on April 17, 2014 75 Comments
BREAKING NEWS: AG Beau Biden will not run for reelection; will run for Governor in 2016.

BOOM. The game of musical chairs that is sometimes Delaware politics just got blown the frack up. But now that Mr. Biden is running for Governor, we expect a full and complete disclosure of his health issues will be forthcoming in the next week.

Here is the press release…

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Interview with Senator Bryan Townsend

Filed in National by on April 15, 2014 0 Comments
Interview with Senator Bryan Townsend

Here is an interview that El Somnambulo and I had with Senator Bryan Townsend (D-11th). The interview took place at Timothy’s on the Waterfront a little over a month ago, but don’t worry, the topics we talk about are not out of date. So that explains the bar and restaurant ambiance, and some 70’s tunes in the background. The reason for the delay in publishing this was problems I experienced with my editing software. I had to cut out the moment that the waitress came over mid interview.

We touch on the Charter School bill from last year and Education in general, the Governor’s infrastructure plan that he wants to pay for with a 10 cent increase in the gas tax, the once and future minimum wage increase, the Veasey Report and any resultant reform measures (this interview comes before several rather bland bills were introduced), casinos, the “clarifying” bill regarding our State Treasurer and the Sunset Committee.

Come inside to listen….

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Procrastination Nation

Filed in National by on April 12, 2014 2 Comments
Procrastination Nation

Residing in my “twilight years”, I’ve been reflecting on the many unresolved issues facing my country and revisiting the ebb and flow of progress/regression in the search for solutions I’ve witnessed and worked for as an activist over about 45 years of my more than seven decades of life.

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Delaware Political Weekly, April 5-11, 2014

Filed in Delaware by on April 11, 2014 14 Comments
Delaware Political Weekly, April 5-11, 2014

Apparently there are self-appointed grown-ups amongst Sussex County Rethuglicans. Party leaders (an oxymoron, I know, but bear with me),  endorsed a resolution stating that they would not “endorse or support” Phillips should he run for reelection to Sussex County Council. The News-Journal quotes Sussex Republican Chair John Rieley as telling Phillips in a letter:

“This situation has the strong potential to bring disrepute on the party if we do not take a proactive moral position and are seen as lending support to your candidacy.”

Sometimes the jokes write themselves. The Sheriff of Nuttingham. Bodie. Disrepute has, to put it mildly, not been a stranger to the Sussex County Republican Party. But, I digress. This did not stop Phillips from filing yesterday.

Meanwhile, Colin Bonini will not run for Treasurer. This, of course, was inevitable. A guy who has gotten paid for 20 years to do nothing was not about to risk that gig for another job where he’d basically do nothing. Since he would have to give up his Senate seat to run for Treasurer, Colin Bonini was never gonna run for Treasurer this year.

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thurs., April 10, 2014.

Filed in Delaware by on April 10, 2014 4 Comments
General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thurs., April 10, 2014.

Yesterday was a light day. The Senate worked and passed a series of noncontroversial measures, some of which I previously discussed here. The Gun Down the Gray Fox bill made it out of committee. The Dream Act bill didn’t. Priorities, people.  BTW, projected annual cost of the Dream Act bill, according to the Fiscal Note? Just over $40K/year. Here’s the entire Session Activity Report.

The Governor has 51 million reasons to root for passage of HB 265(Schwartzkopf) in the Senate today. The bill raises $51 million in increased annual corporate fees. Since the bill requires a 3/5 super-majority vote, 13 yes votes are required. Don’t think the bill would be on the Senate Agenda if all 13 D’s were not on board, but we shall see. The over/under on how long it takes Governor Markell to sign the bill? 30 minutes. I’m taking the under.

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Tues., April 1, 2014

Filed in Delaware by on April 1, 2014 6 Comments
General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Tues., April 1, 2014

Today’s Senate Agenda features one bill, but it’s a good one. HB 56(D. Short) “sets certain regulations for motor vehicle data-reporting devices to prohibit the use by insurance companies of such data for anything other than consideration for premium discounts, requires disclosure to the insured of others who may gain access to such data, and otherwise prohibits insurance companies from releasing such data to others.” Quite possibly the best bill sponsored by a Republican this session. Unanimously passed the House, likely to experience a similar fate in the Senate.

The House will likely work HB 265(Schwartzkopf), which would raise about $51 million through various corporate tax increases. Consideration of the bill was delayed last week due to (a) the fact that the Secretary of State, who will carry out this law, was out of state; and (b) the absence of a couple of Democratic legislators from session, calling passage of a super-majority vote into question.

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“Delaware Judge enshrines unequal outcomes for child rapists based on wealth” continues to be a national story

Filed in National by on April 1, 2014 14 Comments
“Delaware Judge enshrines unequal outcomes for child rapists based on wealth” continues to be a national story

Of course, this type of unequal justice has been the norm forever. However, the egregiousness of the crime has finally pulled back the curtain. The son of the Vice President of the United States is involved, and a Delaware judge laid it all out in plain language – the rich get special treatment. The botched prosecution by the AG’s office and Jurden’s resulting sentence wasn’t simply bad, it was so bad that it amounts to an attack on the courts. It spits on the idea that poor people can get a fair shake in our legal system. Resignations and firings must ensue.

They will not ensue. Nobody will be fired and everyone will go back to pretending that justice is blind in a few months (weeks?…days?). The courts will survive this, but they will be diminished in authority and legitimacy. We will have taken one step closer to the ledge. This is one step away from the ideals expounded on in the Declaration of Independence and one step toward another run of the mill plutocracy. In the end we will be another footnote. A historical curiosity that showed a possible other path to the world for a few brief centuries, then got tired of the rigorous effort required to maintain equality and justice.

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Charter School Cherry Picking Was Predicted

Filed in Delaware by on March 28, 2014 37 Comments
Charter School Cherry Picking Was Predicted

Mike O., The Seventh Type blog, found an interesting document in his inbox.  Go over to his place and read the whole thing – the link to the entire document is at Mike O’s place.  I’ll post some of the highlights from this 1995 Delaware Senate debate on SB 200 (DE Charter School Law).  This document pretty much puts an end to the but, but… whocouldhaveknown debate.

Here’s part of the question and answer segment with Bill Manning (Red Clay’s School Board President at the time)

SENATOR MARSHALL: Understanding that the harshest critics of charter schools around the nation where they’ve been in place and operating, is the issue of the schools skimming off the top and creating an elitist academy with public money.
My concern is looking at the focus of the charter schools by attracting the best at times for a specific educational discipline offered by that charter school; and the concern of recruitment.

I looked at children throughout New Castle County in moderate low income neighborhoods, I looked at the City, the west side, the east side, hilltop, I need to understand how your board and how you will guarantee fairness and equal access to every student from every unit.

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Delaware Political Weekly: March 22-28, 2014

Filed in Delaware by on March 28, 2014 23 Comments
Delaware Political Weekly: March 22-28, 2014

Granted, he’s a Libertarian. Scott Gesty. Unfortunately, he’s not a Steve Newton Libertarian. More like a ‘they’re taking away our freedoms’ Libertarian. He congratulates himself on predicting that ‘Obamacare is destroying the healthcare system’. Man, can’t at least one of these third party types not make you unclean when considering casting a protest vote for them? Paging the Green Party…

Looks like the Republicans are doing better in concentrating on recruiting candidates in General Assembly races…

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It’s The Trade, Stupid !

Filed in International by on March 25, 2014 6 Comments
It’s The Trade, Stupid !

One of my favorite investigative reporters, David Cay Johnston observes that our foreign trade deals in the last couple of decades figure in a big way in the systemic weakness of our domestic economy. Particularly hard hit by really bad trade deals are the non-college educated in the workforce.

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This Annexation Is An Outrage: Let’s Go To War

Filed in International by on March 20, 2014 7 Comments
This Annexation Is An Outrage: Let’s Go To War

Oh, wait. They’re talking about Crimea, not Texas. Nor Hawaii, or Midway, American Samoa, Wake Island and half dozen other pacific islands we annexed, from what I can see, without money changing hands. And there are a dozen other annexations the good old U.S. of A. pulled off where we actually paid the owner while we held a gun to their head. Such as Puerto Rico and Guam, not to mention the Panama Canal zone.

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