Tag: Featured

So, Where Was The Republican Outrage On Insurance Ethics Pre-Obamacare?

Filed in National by on November 8, 2013 13 Comments
So, Where Was The Republican Outrage On Insurance Ethics Pre-Obamacare?

Upfront, let me tell you I was hugely disappointed when the public option and/or single payer got shelved in the formation of Obamacare. And as one in the health care industry I was amazed that candidate Obama was willing to trust the health insurance industry to do the right thing for a revamped health insurance public policy, having seen them in action up close and professionally.

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At War With The Surveillance State: Electronic Frontier Foundation

Filed in National by on November 5, 2013 4 Comments
At War With The Surveillance State:  Electronic Frontier Foundation

NSA overreach revelations just keep coming and yet Sen. Feinstein’s Intelligence Committee, created to provide oversight to protect our privacy rights are trying to expand the reach of surveillance and data collection by our government. Google’s CEO’s critique in the last days is an example, as the surveillance net entraps our data held by his company.

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Yeah, He Lied

Filed in Delaware by on November 3, 2013 99 Comments
Yeah, He Lied

Any better conclusions than that? Seriously, after the huffing and puffing and bluster that the News Journal and his critics were trying to mislead people or trying to hurt him or trying to delegitimize his function in office — Treasurer Chip Flowers finally meets with the News Journal and what we find out is that he really is that incompetent. And we find out that records requested are conveniently missing. From this morning’s NJ, where Flowers admits that there are financial records missing from his office:

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Toplines for Delaware Political Polling!

Filed in Delaware by on November 1, 2013 11 Comments
Toplines for Delaware Political Polling!

Following up on my post from Saturday, we now have (courtesy of Mr. Paul Brewer) the toplines of The University of Delaware’s Center for Political Communication National Agenda Poll from September 2013. (pdf) I’ve asked Mr. Brewer about their long term plans for this poll and it looks like this might be a once a year event — dependent upon available resources. But Fresh Delaware polling! Yay!

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NSA Is Out Of Control. Time To Rein It In.

Filed in International, National by on October 30, 2013 10 Comments
NSA Is Out Of Control.  Time To Rein It In.

James Clapper, the Obama Administration’s Director of National Intelligence has said NSA does not “wittingly” collect data on citizens. General Keith Alexander, NSA’s Director as well as his predecessor have testified that NSA is not spying on or collecting data on citizens. Even the Chair of the House Intelligence Committee has told the media that the American intelligence community is not intrusively monitoring the communications of our citizens without a warrant.

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The 62 Project: #’s 27 & 35

Filed in Delaware by on October 28, 2013 15 Comments
The 62 Project: #’s 27 & 35

Rebecca Walker has, on paper, the kind of background I look for in a legislator–demonstrated accomplishment in arenas other than politics. She’s both a nurse and an attorney, and has practiced in each field. Ernie Lopez first ran for office in New Castle County. I voted for him. Why? Because he was clearly the better candidate when he ran against the ghastly Paul Clark for County Council President in 2004.

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Record Gun Violence in Wilmington

Filed in Delaware by on October 28, 2013 22 Comments
Record Gun Violence in Wilmington

As of today, there were 137 incidents of gun violence in Wilmington (not quite 11 months into the year) which surpasses last year’s incident total of 119. Deaths as a result of gun violence (see the NJ article) is down (14 homicides vs 25 — 15 vs 25 as of Sunday) from last year though. We’ve seen lots of reports of armed robberies, which seem to be up (but no data) and if there was any confidence in the Williams’ Administration’s ability to get a handle on Wilmington’s violent crime problem, that confidence is now waning. Alot. Sunday, the 136th victim of gun violence was shot at 7th and Washington. Just a few blocks away from the Market St patrols that manage panhandlers. Also on Sunday, the 137th victim of gun violence was shot at 24th and Washington.

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Chip Flowers Does Not Know the Difference Between Epic Spin and Transparency

Filed in Delaware by on October 27, 2013 36 Comments
Chip Flowers Does Not Know the Difference Between Epic Spin and Transparency

There’s more on Chip Flowers and his inability to manage the travel budget of his organization today in the NJ. And at this point, this is more about his inability to live up to the transparency he keeps promising and the failure of his epic spin to get him out of this thing.

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Delaware Political Polling!

Filed in Delaware by on October 26, 2013 6 Comments
Delaware Political Polling!

We don’t get much polling focused on Delaware, so this might be interesting. The University of Delaware’s Center for Political Communication commissioned a poll conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates that finds that AG Beau Biden is the most popular politician in Delaware. He leads the pack with 64.2% favorability– followed up by Governor Markell at 62.1%, Senator Carper at 61.3%, Representative Carney at 47.1%, Senator Coons at 47% and Chip Flowers at 28.4%.

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Guest Post — New Castle County Council–2, Gordon Administration–0

Filed in Delaware by on October 24, 2013 2 Comments
Guest Post — New Castle County Council–2, Gordon Administration–0

During the October 22 committee meetings, some New Castle County Council members showed a surprising degree of independence from the Gordon administration by rejecting two of the administration’s proposals. It probably helped that vociferous Gordon allies Jae Street and Bob Weiner were not present during these committee meetings. The first proposal (presented in the Community Services Committee) to be routed was Ordinance 13-078, which would create an Office of Community Governing. This was an office established by Gordon during his first turn as County Executive.

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How Do We Get Outta Here? Ideas From Dylan Ratigan

Filed in National by on October 22, 2013 4 Comments
How Do We Get Outta Here? Ideas From Dylan Ratigan

Like many of you and a few visionaries around the country, I’m sure trying to figure out how we change the interlocked political and economic systems which brought us to this place none of us like.  You know, Gridlock and Crisis City, exemplified by last weeks nightmare.  These systems served us reasonably well early on in our nation, but clearly, in their present forms, they’ve outlived their usefulness.

Remember Dylan Ratigan?  He delivered  epic rants on the Bush bailout and the too big to fail fiasco on MSNBC and then abruptly left.  He reemerged with a hydroponic farm venture in California.  Quite a change from a really good career in finance journalism, including with Bloomberg, NBC and MSNBC.  I loved his show and hated to see him go.

I regard him as one of the visionaries I want to listen to in search of solutions to the current wheel spinning we are doing.   I don’t know if I really agree with him, or not.  I’m still trying to wrap my brain around some of his concepts.  I am particularly uncomfortable with his critique of the role our two main political parties play in getting us where we are right now.  He thinks parties ought to go away, replaced by a sort of direct democracy model.  While often critical of my Democrats, I still cling to the belief we offer the best way out of this bad dream.

But let me summarize some of his thinking for your perusal. If you want to go deeper, go to his web site.  Just Google his name.

He sees an American Renaissance bubbling up from the grassroots. 

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More on the War on Women in NCCo County Council

Filed in Delaware by on October 19, 2013 9 Comments
More on the War on Women in NCCo County Council

The NJ picks up on our question about the NAACP bullying Councilwoman Lisa Diller and writes about the War on Women that Councilwoman Diller believes is being waged by Tom Gordon on the women in NCCo County Council. This is a good article by Adam Taylor, that adds some interesting history of NCCo folks flying off of the handle…

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The 62 Project: #’s 29 and 33

Filed in Delaware by on October 16, 2013 29 Comments
The 62 Project: #’s 29 and 33

Today’s installment asks the musical question: “Do I grade on a curve when it comes to Republicans?” Why, yes, yes I do. Except when I don’t. Another question: Does public comment influence me. Yes, but only to a certain extent. Puzzled? I’ll make everything as  clear as taupe (think stockings, as I often do). Starting now.

Today’s entries: Republican Mike Ramone and Democrat Andria Bennett

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