Tag: Featured

24 Dead in Oklahoma Monster Tornado

Filed in National by on May 21, 2013 10 Comments
24 Dead in Oklahoma Monster Tornado

70 of them are children. The revised number is 24 dead, with 20 of them being children. That the monster tornado destroyed two elementary schools is what makes this tragedy so horrible. I wondered on Facebook yesterday why these elementary schools, or any structure really, had no basements or underground storm shelters while located in the heart of Tornado Alley. To me it seemed criminally negligent. But then I was told that the ground in the area, which is either clay with a high water table or bedrock, makes it cost prohibitive to build them. I am not satisfied with that explanation, but at least it is an explanation.

Come inside for some stream of consciousness thoughts about this latest human tragedy.

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Weakening Dodd-Frank — John Carney Edition

Filed in Delaware, National by on May 20, 2013 7 Comments
Weakening Dodd-Frank — John Carney Edition

According to this Saturday’s NJ, John Carney is lending some bi-partisan credibility to one of (there’s a package of bills out there trying to weaken an already weak legislation) the bills meant to loosen restrictions on banks who are trading in derivatives from their foreign operations:

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Welcome to Delaware Liberal 5.0

Filed in Delaware by on May 19, 2013 70 Comments
Welcome to Delaware Liberal 5.0

Come inside for a trip down memory lane to Delaware Liberal 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 as we welcome Delaware Liberal 5.0. We were long past due for an upgrade to site. And so we have redesigned the site, reaching back into our past a little bit to add back in some black and white flavor to our logo and appearance, while embrace a new theme. Now, not much is different. Come inside to see what is new and improved…

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Delaware Liberal Upgrade and Redesign

Filed in Delaware by on May 18, 2013 7 Comments

This afternoon LiberalGeek and I are playing around with the plumbing of Delaware Liberal, giving the site a much need WordPress upgrade and uploading a new design for Delaware Liberal 4.0 (I think we are at 4.0 now). So if there are any downtimes or other malfunctions with the site, that is why.

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Is it out of stupidity or malevolence?

Filed in National by on May 16, 2013 67 Comments
Is it out of stupidity or malevolence?

With today’s GOP, it is typically both. This Benghazi BS couldn’t make that more clear.

Check out these poll results, and Attaturk’s take below.

A whopping 41 percent of Republicans polled think the Obama administration’s handling of Benghazi is the greatest scandal in U.S. history. “One interesting thing about the voters who think Benghazi is the biggest political scandal in American history,” PPP adds, “is that 39% of them don’t actually know where it is. 10% think it’s in Egypt, 9% in Iran, 6% in Cuba, 5% in Syria, 4% in Iraq, and 1% each in North Korea and Liberia with 4% not willing to venture a guess.”

Greatest.Scandal.Ever.  Say the living embodiments of Comic-Book Guy.

Yeah, it’s like 12 Benedict Arnolds; 9 XYZ Affairs; 88 Nullification Crises; 35 Mexican-American Wars; like 55,000 Civil Wars; 3,000 Credit Mobiliers; 875 Spanish Flus; 300 Teapot Domes; 84,000 Great Depressions; 9 Million Pearl Harbors; 3,400 Tonkin Gulf Resolutions; 4 billion Watergates; 9 Trillion Iran-Contras; a mere 1.05 Monica Lewinskis; an infinity of Iraq War Resolutions over WMD; and 456 Bankster Induced Economic Collapses — ALL WRAPPED UP INTO ONE.

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thurs., May 16, 2013

Filed in National by on May 16, 2013 25 Comments
General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thurs., May 16, 2013

Your last legislative fix for almost three weeks, so savor it!

In a Dog Bites Man story, Sen. Colin Bonini sided with the oil polluters, casting the only ‘no’ vote against legislation eliminating a monetary cap on company liability for damages caused by an oil spill. Bloviator Bonini has suffered a precipitous decline in ink this session, having ceded his senatorial Hot Air Hegemony to Monsignor Greg Lavelle. I, for one, feel sorry for the disheartened former champion, and intend to do everything within my power to rehabilitate his diminished stature (I’m speaking figuratively, of course). The Comedic Gods demand it.

Probably the biggest news of the day is what didn’t happen:

1. Bill adding 2 more casinos doesn’t make it out of committee. Nobody has clean hands in this game. Just read today’s News-Journal article about it. Which I can’t link. Because even though we still buy the dead trees edition, the online access is screwed up, and I’m still limited to only 5 articles a month. Except the month doesn’t begin and end at the beginning and ending of the month. Hate to say it, but this enterprise has earned obsolescence, alienating the few of us who still believe in newspapers. But, I digress. Williams claims to have the support of Governor Markell, but the Executive branch provides weasel words instead (I’m typing this word for word from today’s print edition):

“The Governor always looks forward to discussing proposals with the sponsors and supporters to understand how proposals might add to the state’s revenue and economy.”

Which raises this question: Rep. Dennis E. Williams, overly-optimistic or delusional? For better or for worse, I don’t think this bill is going anywhere.

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The Real IRS Scandal

Filed in National by on May 15, 2013 5 Comments
The Real IRS Scandal

Michael Hiltzik at the LA Times has written what I think is the definitive piece on the IRS problems — making the case that the real scandal in all of this is that the IRS isn’t functional enough to have stopped the bastardizing of the C(4) organizations in the first place. As usual, you have to go read the whole thing:

Here are the genuine scandals in this affair: Political organizations are being allowed to masquerade as charities to avoid taxes and keep their donors secret, and the IRS has allowed them to do this for years.

The bottom line first: The IRS hasn’t done nearly enough over the years to rein in the subversion of the tax law by political groups claiming a tax exemption that is not legally permitted for campaign activity. Nor has it enforced rules requiring that donors to those groups pay gift tax on their donations.

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., May 15, 2013

Filed in National by on May 15, 2013 7 Comments
General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., May 15, 2013

Just two more days before the Memorial Day 2-week recess.

Actually, during the two weeks, the Joint Finance Committee will meet to mark up the budget. Meaning, you’ll hear a lot of bitching by Gov. Walker’s Markell’s budgeteers. The more bitching, the better the budget, IMHO. I especially look forward to their outrage should state employees (and don’t forget us pensioners!) get raises. Governor, I’ve got three words for you: Tax your friends. Three more: Or shut up. Damn, that feels good.

I gotta say it: The Delaware General Assembly has done a great job of pushing back at the NRA. And its pigeon-maiming front man.

The House passed SB 16(Henry), which will help put an end to ‘straw purchases’ of firearms. The bill just squeaked through the Senate by an 11-10 vote, and the House passed it by a similarly-close 22-19 count. D’s voting no: Atkins, Bennett, Carson, Mulrooney(?), Paradee, and Walker(?). R'(s) voting yes: Ramone(!). The bill heads to the Governor for his signature. Great work all around here! If I were a wounded pigeon in Pa., I’d be veryvery afraid right about now. John Sigler has even more blood in his eye than usual.

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