Tag: Federal Budget 2013

Essential Reading on the Deficit/Debt Issue

Filed in National by on January 27, 2013 43 Comments
Essential Reading on the Deficit/Debt Issue

Since we are to be treated to multiple staged crises by the GOP in order to dismantle entitlement programs so that there is more money to funnel to wealthy people, I thought it would be useful to collect some of the better pieces trying to assess where we (and the US Budget) really are. The coming months will be filled with more of the usual he say/she say fake objectivity from the media, who won’t do much to give you any context much less any real numbers. In other words, they’ll be participating in the fear factory that will be generated in order to create a better opportunity to cut back on entitlements. Several of these pieces will be longish and some will be fairly data-rich (we want that), so you might need a little time to read through them. But a good deal of the story is that we’ve gotten in a good deal of deficit cuts and we’re pretty close to the number needed for long term sustainability. This is good ammunition for talking to our Congressional delegation who seem hell bent on helping the GOP to cut Social Security and Medicare. Because what we should be focusing on is fixing these two — not in asking seniors to cut back.

I’m sure there will be other good work coming down the pike and I’ll add that to this list, but am not sure yet how to revive the thread. In the meantime, you can bookmark this as a place to find smarter journalism (or just plain wonkishness) on the budget issues.

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