Tag: Fox News
Evening Read
No Phillies tonight, no problem. Three good articles to get those brain cells warmed up. The Nation: Why Reparations are good? It’s not what you think. The Daily Beast: The Left’s hero on Fox “News”: Shep Smith. Paul Krugman: Time to decide which side of history you are on.
Fox “News” Is . . . Gasp . . . Conservative
A Pew Research Center finds that Fox “News” is viewed as the most ideological of the six television news channels. Forty-seven percent of Americans think that Fox “News” is conservative, while 36% of Americans think that MSNBC is liberal. What’s interesting with this poll is that Americans thoughts regarding the news channels stay pretty consistent […]
Are You A Good White Person?
Fox “News” commissioned Zogby run a poll for them regarding free speech reports FAIR Blog. Here’s one of the questions: Federal Communications Commission Chief Diversity Czar Mark Lloyd wants the FCC to force good white people in positions of power in the broadcast industry to step down to make room for more African-Americans and gays […]
The Republican Base Operates In Another World
James Carville’s political polling organization, Democracy Corps, released a very interesting report last week (warning: PDF). They surveyed the base of the Republican party and found that they had a different understanding of the world than the rest of the U.S. It’s a much more paranoid view.
More Like This Please!
Fox News has apparently been whinging that President Obama did not appear with them in the WH blitz to appear on all of the talking heads shows this Sunday morning. Why would that be? Here is the WH spokesman answering that to ABC news:
Big Shock: Fox News Lies
Has Faux News finally gone too far for the media to ignore? (Yeah, I know, wishful thinking.) Fox took out ads in the Washington Post, New York Times andWall Street Journal accusing the media (including WaPo, NYT, CNN and others) of not covering the Fox-organized and Fox-promoted 9/12 protest in Washington. Rick Sanchez begs to […]
Jon Stewart Discovers That Fox News Is Now Liberal Media
This is a little old but how freakin’ brilliant is this?
Is Beck Going Belly Up?
While Delaware Liberal was supposedly imploding last week, real news was occurring as Glenn Beck was losing advertisers faster than Republicans lose voters. What’s all the hubbub about? Beck was on one of the Fox News TV chat shows and he called the President a “rasict”. I know, I know, this doesn’t surprise you as […]
The lie, and the liars
The lie: That any proposal currently before congress contains funding for “death panels” that kill patients against their will. The truth: Your doctor can be reimbursed for helping you make a living will – in which you can declare “I insist that no one ever pull the plug on me for any reason whatsoever until […]
Late Night Video
Fox News’s Neil Cavuto asks whether highly accomplished Surgeon General nominee Regina Benjamin is too fat to be Surgeon General. Really.
Another Bloodthirsty Fox Pundit
Fox News Pundit Lt. Col. Ralph Peters hopes that the Taliban will just execute the American soldier they captured to save the U.S. the trouble of putting him on trial.
Glenn Beck Loses His Sanity
Glenn Beck loses his mind, not that he had much to lose. Really, listen to the whole thing.
Late Night Oddity: Fox Goes Birther
Fox News reports on the challenge of a wingnut soldier against deployment to Afghanistan like it’s real news and a real issue for Obama. It isn’t. Psssst…Fox, don’t encourage the fringe crazies, it hurts your credibility. Not that they had much credibility anyway. And for crazy anon, here’s his birth certificate and birth announcement. Update […]
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