Tag: Frank Rich
Frank Rich On Christine O’Donnell – “Useful Idiot”
Frank Rich has a smart column on Christine O’Donnell and her importance to the GOP.
Don’t Get Mad, Mr. President. Get Even.
This is the title of Frank Rich’s column from yesterday’s NYT, which, as always, is a Must Read. Like Rich, I find the emphasis on getting some anger from the President a lazy and childish response from the media. A media who perpetually is looking for the ratings-boosting human drama rather than trying to figure out how,exactly, something like this could possibly happen. So instead of trying to figure out how the legendarily dysfunctional Bush-era Minerals Management Service was still largely dysfunctional this far into the Obama Administration, we get plenty of ink on how “angry” the President is.
Frank Rich On The Tea Party Movement
New York Times op-ed writer Frank Rich takes a look at the Tea Party movement and the GOP embrace of it: No one knows what history will make of the present — least of all journalists, who can at best write history’s sloppy first draft. But if I were to place an incautious bet on […]
The Dangers Of A Two Party System
Several weeks ago I wrote a post pointing out how, through closed primaries, the 21%ers will control who’s at the top of the Republican ticket. Frank Rich digs deeper, and, as bored as I am with Sarah Palin, Rich points out why we may be dealing with her in 2012. (Read the whole article.) In […]
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