Tag: guns
Zero Days Since the Last Mass Shooting in US

Five people were killed in a shooting at Fort Lauderdale airport in Florida on Friday, the local sheriff’s office said.
We don’t need more guns in Delaware’s state parks
If my gun-toting friends out there are so afraid to go to a Delaware state park unarmed, here’s a simple suggestion – stay home.
What Could Possibly Go Wrong By Bringing A Gun Into A Haunted House?

I’m going to let TBogg set the scene:
Outside of going to the gun range and blasting away at paper targets while pretending that they are Muslims or black teenagers, there is nothing Armed-Americans enjoy more than showing off their guns in public. Open carry rules!
No self-respecting NRA member would think about making a grudging late-night emergency run to CVS to pick up some tampons for his wife without first pulling on some camouflage pants, strapping a Glock to his hip, and pulling the whole ensemble together with an AR15 dangling from his neck.
Because…. Something Might Happen.
It’s always Something Might Happen with this group – that would shoot their own shadow, or toddler. But this is a story happening in our own backyard – at Frightland.
Forced Birth Improves The Economy? Armed “young, hot little girls on campus” Will Stop Rape?

There’s just so much of this nonsense. As a woman, who’s also raising a teen daughter, it’s overwhelming and frightening. It’s also disheartening when issues that directly impact over 50% of the country are dismissed as single-issue votes. Women do not view abortion or contraception as a “pet” issue. These issues directly affect our economy. Having a child is one of the biggest economic decisions for both men and women. If only we treated these issues with the same freak out we display when it came to a gas tax and tax cuts – and, make no mistake, abortion and contraception are a way bigger deal than things like the gas tax and tax cuts. Mainly because cutting/raising taxes won’t make a damn bit of difference to a woman’s (who’s forced to give birth) economy.
And yeah, I’m going to keep writing about women’s issues, mainly because it’s really all the GOP talks about. They link controlling women to every flippin’ bill they pen. It’s almost impossible to discuss anything the GOP puts forth without discussing women – and religion and gay people. All Republican roads lead to controlling sex.
Not All Accidents Are Created Equal
Josh Marshall, TPM, has a post up about gun shootings and language clarity. While I see where he’s coming from, I think he misses the point with these “accidental” gun shootings. Here’s how he explains it: Over the last 18 months, we’ve made an on-going effort to highlight various cases of accidental shootings – sometimes […]
In Wilmington, bullets and violence
Wednesday night, 27-year-old Otis Saunders was gunned down in Wilmington, the city’s 15th homicide victim this year.
While police seek answers behind this latest death, the answer to this question continues to elude everyone: how to reduce the violence?
Breaking: Reports Of Gunfire, Possible Active Shooter At Oregon High School

I’ve got nothing to add.
This Is How Intimidation Looks

I can’t believe I’m writing another gun post, but this nonsense has to stop. Take a look at this picture. Read below to discover what it is. CREDIT: https://www.facebook.com/MomsDemandAction On Saturday, nearly 40 armed men, women, and children waited outside a Dallas, Texas area restaurant to protest a membership meeting for the state chapter of […]
We Are Becoming (Have Become?) A Nation Of Cowards, Bedwetters And Murderers

These situations are becoming far too familiar. A 19 year old, black woman got into a car accident. Her cell phone was dead so she went to a nearby house and… The unnamed person who answered the door didn’t offer to help the stranded teen out, instead the Dearborn Heights resident fatally shot McBride in […]
Washington, DC Navy Yard Shooting

This is an evolving story. Post liveblog here.
“D.C. police are looking for gunmen they say shot 10 people at the Washington Navy Yard Monday morning. The U.S. Navy said shots were fired around 8:20 a.m. at the Naval Sea Systems Command Headquarters building, where about 3,000 people work.”
The situation at the Navy Yard is rapidly changing, but here’s what we know shortly after 10:45 a.m.:
The NRA’s Declaration Of War
When I was growing up the NRA was all about guns. Oh, they were political, but more along geographical lines (red state/blue state, urban/rural) than political parties. And while we still see this today there’s change in the air – and that change is being driven by the NRA.
There was a time when being a gun owner was the only ideology one needed to be an NRA member. Republican/Democrat/Independent/Liberal/Conservative didn’t matter. If you liked guns, the NRA was the group for you.
But liking guns isn’t enough anymore. Today, the NRA has dropped any attempt at being a nonpartisan group of gun owners. They have gone full Tea Party. If you’re a gun owning Dem or liberal the NRA has made it clear you’re not welcome. Of course, any sane person is no longer welcome because the NRA has finally revealed their crazy in stunning, splendid glory.
Many of us have always known the crazy was there, but the NRA use to be somewhat politically savvy. They spoke about the 2nd Amendment, protecting yourself, hunting and responsible gun ownership – they wore a mask of reasonableness. That mask has been ripped off.
This Is Not An Accident
BURKESVILLE, Ky. (AP) — Authorities in southern Kentucky say a 2-year-old girl has been accidentally shot and killed by her 5-year-old brother, who was playing with a .22-caliber rifle he received as a gift.
White told the newspaper that the boy received the rifle made for youths last year and is used to shooting it. He said the gun was kept in a corner and the family didn’t realize a shell was left inside it.
White said the shooting will be ruled accidental. (Emphasis mine)
Who, in their right mind, gives a 4 year old a gun?
Who, after giving (or accepting) a gun to a flippin’ 4 year old, keeps it in a flippin’ corner?
Who, with a functioning brain cell, would ever call this an accident?
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