Tag: Health Care Reform
Clueless Or Lying? – You Be The Judge
Fox News discounts the important role of Planned Parenthood in cancer screenings – since you can go to your local Walgreen’s for pap smears and mammograms.
Calling Their Bluff
President Obama has expressed support for a bill sponsored by Ron Wyden and Scott Brown that will move up the date at which states can put in their own health care reform ideas.
Couldn’t Happen To A More Deserving Bunch
Some members of Congress who turned down their health care benefits are finding coverage hard to find and expensive.
The GOP Healthcare Plan – “Race To The Bottom”
Publius at The Fourth Branch explains the Republican health care plan as “a race to the bottom.”
Republicans Discover Senate Hate
Rpeublicans are now complaining that their kick kids off insurance and increase the cost of granny’s drugs bill won’t get a vote in the Senate. Bless their hearts.
Forbes Magazine Says the Health Care Act is Actually Working
As Ezra Klein notes this morning, the health care bill is being redebated this morning, not being repealed. Whatever the House does to try to repeal the Act today or tomorrow will definitely die in the Senate, so remember that as you listen to the sound and fury. Sound and fury that is already useless and a waste of tax dollars. And one that doesn’t do anything to create a job, heal the economy or even to reduce the deficit.
The New Era Of Civility Has Begun!
New civility! John Boehner now describes health care reform as “job destroying” rather than “job killing.”
January 12th! Save The Date!
Republicans have chosen the date to repeal Health Care. Republican leaders in the new House say they’ll hold a vote next week to repeal President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul. The announcement of the Jan. 12 vote by the No. 2 House Republican, Virginia Rep. Eric Cantor, sets the stage for a showdown with the […]
The People Have Spoken

A new poll shows that a majority of Americans want anti-health care reform legislators to turn down their government health care plan.
Americans Are More Like Obama Than Jim DeMint
A new Pew Poll shows Americans prefer candidates who are willing to compromise (44% more likely, 22% less likely, 29% no difference) and who voted yes on health care reform (39% more likely, 35% less likely, 22% no difference). Americans also hate the bank bailouts, 49% are less likely to vote for candidates that supported bailouts with 14% more likely and 32% no difference.
The man who would be Speaker of the House, John Boehner, was interviewed on NPR’s Morning Edition this morning. Boehner had quite a few things to say, but a particularly interesting exchange was about the new health care reform bill. Boehner is advocating “repeal and replace” of the bill with Republicans’ “common sense” proposals (ones […]
The New Wingnut Welfare Gravy Train
I think we’re all pretty familiar with the wingnut welfare system. The Republican party nurtures their young leaders by providing them jobs in bogus think tanks, where they can publish books nobody reads, send out press releases and appear on TV as a ubiquitious “Republican strategist.” Apparently Republicans have found an even newer way to […]
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