Tag: Health Insurance Reform
Breaking: Snowe To Vote Baucus Bill Out Of Committee
Via TPM: 1:57 p.m.: Snowe’s announcement that she’ll vote for the bill today spread a ripple of excited whispers across the silent hearing room. It’s getting interesting. Although I’m sure Snowe doesn’t count as a real Republican.
Sen. Tom Carper Talks About State-Run Public Options
This video from the Nightly Business Report is not embeddable, but click here and the player should come up for you. There is a transcript, too.
CBO Score on Baucus Bill Completed
The CBO score (this is a pdf) was delivered on the Finance Committee bill this afternoon and the news is at first blush — good. Good in that it will keep the process rolling to its next step which is a vote out of Committee so the work at merging the HELP and Finance bills can proceed. Key highlights:
More Like This Please! Shep Smith Dismisses the Talking Points
You have to see it really, but there is a transcript here. Shep Smith had on repub Representative John Barrasso from Wyoming for a discussion of the Public Option for health insurance reform, which definitely did not go as the Representative likely expected.
Would You Be Insurable If…
…You lost your job? Most people who recieve health insurance through their employer have never considered this possibility. Perhaps it’s time they did.
Chart of the Day

The latest Kaiser Family Foundation poll is out and the news is pretty good, actually:
On Tom Carper and Filibusters and Questions to Be Answered
If he has any shred of integrity remaining, Tom Carper will have no choice but to oppose a filibuster of health insurance reform, even if it contains a robust public option. Why? Because that has been his position on other key votes, even those that he allegedly opposes. Take his vote on Supreme Court Justice […]
Breaking: Carper Votes Against Rockfeller Public Option –UPDATED
Via Steve Benen:
Updated — Carper votes against the Rockefeller Amendment and for the Schumer Amendment.
The Largest Free Clinic in the United States
This should not be in a first world country: 1300 people showed up for a free dental clinic in Parkesburg, WVA. Then. the Remote Area Medical crew see 1500 people per day, in a free clinic over 8 days in Los Angeles. This weekend, 2000 people in Houston came to a free clinic (Texas having […]
Tom Carper Wants to Give In to the GOP on Health Care
Watch this video of Carper on CNN yesterday — captured by Jed over at dKos:
Health Insurance’s War Against Women
And children. I’m really looking forward to hearing social conservatives defend this… “The point of insurance is to insure against catastrophic care costs. That’s what you’re trying to aggregate and pool for such things as heart attacks and cancer,” said an Anthem Blue Cross spokesman. “Having a child is a matter of choice. Dealing with […]
In Which The News Journal Phones It In Again
…and shows themselves to not be paying attention to one of the biggest legislative efforts of a lifetime.
Today The Editors (a term probably more symbolic than a reflection of the actual work being done) published an editorial in which they intone with all seriousness — Health plan will cost money: It’s time Washington admits it.
The Trouble with Triggers
Tom Carper (and other Senators) have been hyping a “fall-back trigger” for implementing a Public Option for health insurance reform. The Public Option has strong progressive support and is one of the last big questions to settle in this process.
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