Tag: Hypocrisy
Republican Hypocrisy on the VA Scandal

The abuse of the VA scandal in a midterm election year to “rock” the anti-Obama vote is entirely disgraceful. The issue of VA bureaucracy is one that has existed for decades now, and while President Obama hasn’t done enough to solve the issue, pinning the fault entirely on the President is plainly wrong.
From 1921’s Veteran’s Bureau collapse, to unpaid revolutionary soldiers, to today’s waiting lists, the issue of how we treat our veterans is one that needs an open national discussion, not a finger-pointing series of aggressive speeches and letters.
The Running of the Hypocrites
Which is really the only name you can give the Federal government’s budget season opened by the release of President Obama’s budget blueprint last Tuesday. The plan calls for letting the BushCo tax cuts expire (except for people making less than $250K), eliminating the tax subsidies for the oil and gas industry, raising taxes on hedge fund managers; and it calls for investments in public education and college, domestic energy production, the beginning of a fund to finance health care for the uninsured. It is a pretty strong plan (I do have some reservations about some of the energy initiatives) that begins to retilt the playing field back towards the middle class.
What’s The Point of Having Cake If You Can’t Eat It?
(Via From Pine View Farm) That is my favorite saying from the Muppets’ Miss Piggy in response to someone who was silly enough to recite the tired cliche that she could not have her cake and eat it too. Apparently Blue Dog Democrats think this way too: Overall, Blue Dogs submitted more than 2,500 individual […]
A Christian Argument for Progressive Taxes
Diane Butler Bass writes that as a Christian she enjoys paying taxes. Wednesday morning, at 9 a.m. sharp, I took my tax payment to the local post office. When I handed it to the clerk, she said, “I hate tax day.” I replied, “Not me. I don’t love parting with the money, but I kinda […]
An Excellent Veteran’s Day Message
That’s what I’m talkin’ about. And here’s hoping the next Congress will get the job done. h/t My buddy Col. D. Thanks!
Lesson of the Day — No Throwing Stones if You Live in a Glass House

Another wingnut Synchronized Whinge™ is making the rounds about Obama’s logo for his presidential campaign:
Supporting the Troops — IOKIYAR Edition
Nobody ever could have predicted that the upper limit of hypocrisy could continue to find new heights: The wingnut brigade is very slow to signup to theWebb/Hagel GI Bill revision (Warner is also a co-sponsor) But they are lining up to make sure that soldiers cannot buy Playboys at the PX. No words.
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