Tag: Insurance Commissioner
Questions for the Insurance Commissioner
Next week, a joint committee will be holding a hearing with the Insurance Commissioner, Karen Weldin Stewart to discuss a BCBS issue and allegations raised by the partisan, Caesar Rodney Institute. DelawareLiberal may be in attendance at the hearing, but all of the questions will be issued by the members of the committee. However, I […]
In Which We Find Ron Williams Losing All Journalistic Integrity He Had Left
Sunday’s editorial page had another piece from Williams, this one not just carrying water for the Insurance Commissioner, but inexplicably injects her current round of excuses into the debate without a single comment from Matt Denn.
Bryon Short Calls for Investigation of Insurance Commissioner’s Office
I have received a number of tips through various mediums in the past hour that Rep. Bryon Short is calling for hearing into the allegations that have been leveled at Delaware’s Insurance Commissioner, Karen Weldin Stewart by the partisan thinktank, The Caesar Rodney Institute. Lee Williams, who was unable to really get to the bottom […]
Good Times… Good Times
I just went back to take a look at the old DL endorsement post from October 2008. I stated that DL did not endorse in the Insurance Commissioner race in one of the threads today. This is true. It is interesting looking at the comments that this non-endorsement generated.
Can I Get an Oh My!
No Delaware public figure generates more angry letters to the Delaware Liberal tip line more than Insurance Commissioner, Karen Weldin Stewart. We have probably received more than 50 of them about her since she was sworn in a little over a year ago. Most are rants of unsubstantiated rumors and vague assurances that her house […]
Karen Weldin Stewart Decides That Maybe She Does Have a Job To Do
Today’s News Journal updates the status of the investigations into the denials of prescribed tests for heart patients by BCBSD. Aetna is also now part of the doctors’ complaints — Aetna is using the same pre-authorization firm as BCBSD.
Insurance Commissioner is Failing Aggrieved Patients
That title is stolen from the News Journal Opinion page today, whose writers I have to give some credit to today.
They highlight an odd bit of business, where Senator John D. Rockefeller, D-W.V has written to Delaware Blue Cross to ask them to provide detailed documentation of why they would deny cardiac testing prescribed by doctors to patients exhibiting symptoms of heart failure.
Another Lesson on Why Just Reprinting Press Releases from the ICs Office is NOT A Good Idea
What new regulations? Seriously — there was a major revision to the statutes in 2005, additional revisions in 2007, and the last seems to be in 2008. Now these links are from the Delaware Captive Insurance Association, which is an industry group, so I imagine they are keeping up on the regs here.
The NJ Propping Up KWS — Again

This week saw the NJ do quite the fluff piece on the IC’s Office newly rebranded effort to increase the Captive Insurance market here in Delaware and today it gives over space on the Editorial page for an effort that isn’t too far from the Press Releases sent out by the IC promoting this expensive rebranding.
Lobbyists to the IC’s Office?
On 30 July 2009, the Delaware Insurance Commissioner’s office sent out a Press Release announcing their “new” initiative for “the formation of a new revenue generating division within the Department of Insurance entitled the Bureau of Captive and Financial Insurance Products”. There was a subsequent Press Release, this time working hard at making the case that this is an economic development task for the state.
A bit of small print at the end of the first Press Release caught my attention:
DOI Wired RFP Saga Episode III
Intro: Let me start by saying that I’m not crazy about the fact that I let myself fall into the DOI’s rabbit hole. Nevertheless, by viewing the RFP I drank from the little bottle labeled “drink me” so there appears to be no turning back now. Anyway, here is the latest in what will no […]
Revisiting Reserve Requirements
I wrote to highlight a blog post redwaterlily wrote over at her blog discussing the current rule change by KWS to reduce the reserve requirements by life insurers — reserves intended to try to ensure that these companies are adequately funded to pay policyholder claims. The conversation continued over at that post on a number […]
Insurance Commissioner Decision
Okay, I’m done. My vote is going to Karen Weldin Stewart. How about you?
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