Tag: IRS
The Real IRS Scandal

Michael Hiltzik at the LA Times has written what I think is the definitive piece on the IRS problems — making the case that the real scandal in all of this is that the IRS isn’t functional enough to have stopped the bastardizing of the C(4) organizations in the first place. As usual, you have to go read the whole thing:
Here are the genuine scandals in this affair: Political organizations are being allowed to masquerade as charities to avoid taxes and keep their donors secret, and the IRS has allowed them to do this for years.
The bottom line first: The IRS hasn’t done nearly enough over the years to rein in the subversion of the tax law by political groups claiming a tax exemption that is not legally permitted for campaign activity. Nor has it enforced rules requiring that donors to those groups pay gift tax on their donations.
Utah IRS Building Evacuated
I hope this is a hoax and not something worse: Hazardous materials crews were on the scene Monday at the IRS building in Farr West, Utah, where two people were removed on stretchers and several others were undergoing decontamination showers. The FBI released no information about the incident at the facility in Farr West, near […]
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