Tag: Jeffrey Spiegelman
Delaware Political Weekly: April 19-25, 2014

Yesterday, Hunter Biden emerged to tell us that Beau Biden, the new presumed frontrunner for Governor in 2016, is ‘doing great’. The day before, it was Pete Schwartzkopf. Assuming that they speak the truth, can someone, anyone, explain to me why the Beaudhisattva is incommunicado? Is he absorbing more enlightenment beneath the Bo Tree? I’m serious, can someone please provide a plausible scenario that would explain his refusal to come out and say, “Hi, I’m here, I’m healthy, didja miss me?” I honestly don’t think I’ve seen anything quite like this. It defies explanation, at least to me. BTW, if you read Hunter Biden’s statement carefully, he doesn’t say that Beau’s in great health. Come inside for the quote.
As to 2016, while Matt Denn has said that he doesn’t ‘expect’ to run for Governor then, neither has he ruled it out. He didn’t expect to run for AG this year b/c he didn’t expect Biden not to run. I think Matt will accomplish more in two years as AG as Beau has done in six, so he’d be well-positioned to run in 2016, especially if Beau surprises everyone again. Which, IMHO, would be no surprise at all.
Election 2014: Delaware’s Most Vulnerable Incumbents

I’m El Somnambulo, and I’m a listaholic.
Admit it: So are you.
Bearing in mind that incumbents need viable challengers in order to be vulnerable, here is a list of those with at least reason to be worried:
State Auditor Tom Wagner: A do-nothing R in an increasingly D state. Here’s the problem. If a do-nothing R is replaced by a do-nothing D, does it really make any difference? No doubt it does to Tom Wagner. But not to Patrick Harker or Lonnie George. Which is my point. And the problem.
State Treasurer Chip Flowers: While the R’s talk hopefully, and, IMHO, delusionally, about defeating him, I suspect that any real challenge would come from the Democrats. We’ll likely know in 6 months or so whether there will be a party-backed challenger. We might as well get used to Flowers being a polarizing figure by choice. Which would be fine if it was principle, not ego, driving that train.
State Senator Greg Lavelle (4th SD): Got 50.8% against Michael Katz. Probably less vulnerable this time, but he’s got two more years of anti-gay and pro-gun votes on his record. Will a credible challenger emerge?
I know that people expect me to have Ernesto Lopez on this list, but I don’t see him as particularly vulnerable. Feel free to make a case.
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