Tag: John Carney

Markell: Reform and Current and Potential Lt. Governors

Filed in Delaware by on October 5, 2008 4 Comments

In Part 4 of our Markell Interview, we ask Jack about his plans to review State government from top to bottom.  We also ask him about how he would work with John Carney, Matt Denn and even Charlie Copeland. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQIKhezN75Q[/youtube]

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Tom Carper: No Comment on Blocking Carney

Filed in Delaware by on September 25, 2008 5 Comments

Even though Tom Carper’s Minister of Communications, Bette Phelan, probably hates my guts, and even though I, likewise, hold her boss in utter contempt, and even though I’m barely a member of the press, allowing all of that – it is her job her job to respond to me right? Even if I wasn’t writing […]

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Carney and Markell

Filed in National by on July 26, 2008 22 Comments

I have been, and continue to be, an undecided voter on the Markell/Carney decision. It may at times seem that I am an unabashed Carney supporter, but that is only due to the contrast with others in the blogosphere. I have a number of friends in both campaigns. I have been trying hard to give […]

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Carney v. Loudell?

Filed in National by on July 1, 2008 11 Comments

A little birdie shot me a note about a post that Allan Loudell has up on his blog.  He is basically begging for an interview with Carney about the eminent domain bill.  Could it be that I can get 15 minutes with Carney about the bill during a recess on the last day of the […]

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Governor’s Debate — Wilmington Neighborhood Issues

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 26, 2008 6 Comments

The latest Democratic Governor’s debate was held this morning at the Westminster Presbyterian Church in Wilmington. It was hosted by the Interfaith Coalition Building Blocks for Wilmington. The ICCBW is an ambitious group of ministers and other stakeholders who are looking to develop and implement strategies to work with at-risk kids and get them on […]

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More Scheduled Gubernatorial Debates

Filed in National by on April 9, 2008 0 Comments

FYI — two other (that I know of) gubernatorial debates are scheduled for this month: April 12 — forum is sponsored by DSEA from 9AM til 10:30AM at the Dover Downs Convention Center. You have to go to the DSEA’s website to register for this. All three declared candidates for Governor will be at this […]

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Governor’s Debate: Health Care

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 6, 2008 21 Comments

The Health Care debate between Jack Markell and John Carney started abit late on Friday morning — a good thing, since I was running really late. The auditorium was pretty much full (but not as many folks as at the Education debate), and this crowd was abit more sedate. The News Journal has written this […]

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The First Debate: Education

Filed in Uncategorized by on March 20, 2008 19 Comments

Attendees of the debate tonight between Democratic gubernatorial Jack Markell and John Carney on Education pretty much filled the lower space of the Grand and there were some folks who ventured up to the (cordoned off) area upstairs. Markell supporters were very visible – ranging from the kids outside with signs and cheers (having some […]

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Markell/Carney Gubernatorial Debate on Education

Filed in National by on March 12, 2008 2 Comments

This is the first debate of the primary season between Lt. Governor John C. Carney, Jr. and State Treasurer Jack A. Markell. When: Thursday, March 20, 2008 Where: The Baby Grand 818 N. Market Street Wilmington, Delaware Time: Doors open at 6, everyone must be seated by 6:45 Registration is required for this event. Seats […]

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Comment Rescue: Windpower, Education, and John Carney

Filed in Uncategorized by on February 15, 2008 10 Comments

Fonzy writes: I thought I would try and bring this thread back to liberalgeeks’ orignal point with another example of John Carney’s hard work to try and get this sucker done. Wind power firm offers partnership with Del Tech. liberalgeek – if I didn’t know better, I’d say Carney reads your posts. I was thinking […]

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Wonky Wednesday: Jack Markell’s Running for Governor

Filed in Uncategorized by on June 6, 2007 6 Comments

As if there had been any doubt, Jack Markell called Democratic Party leaders today to let them know he plans to run for governor. The News Journal, Delaware Grapevine and Alan Loudell of WDEL all have the story. Celia quotes John Carney as not saying that a primary would be a disaster: “It will be […]

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