Tag: legalized marijuana
Next Steps in Legalizing Marijuana

There was a great article in Delaware State News this weekend about the slow progress Delaware is making in medical marijuana sales as well as the next steps in legalizing recreational marijuana.
It’s Time to Legalize Pot in Delaware

Senator Margaret Rose Henry has a bill in draft that she has committed to sending to the GA in January to legalize and tax marijuana sales here. She is proposing it in part to help generate more than $21M in new revenue for the state. I hope that this is money that would be specifically earmarked for Education, rather than the general fund. Still — there’s not much detail yet.
Chart of the Day — A Data Point on the Failure of the War on Drugs

Interesting, yes? Legalizing marijuana thins out the importers. And certainly increases some legal entrepreneurial activity here. And it takes some money out of the black market and puts it into tax coffers. I can’t even imagine the savings from getting law enforcement out of the business of policing small users and producers.
Budget Crisis To Lead the Way to Legalizing Marijuana?

The California Tax Board has told the state that if they legalized marijuana, the state could raise $1.4 billion in revenues. This assessment looks at an actual bill pending before the CA Legislature: The bill (Assembly Bill 390) by Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, D-San Francisco, is still awaiting its first committee hearing and is likely not […]
The Times They Are A Changin’
I expect to see gay marriage and marijuana legalized in my lifetime. (I really liked typing that sentence.) I’ve been feeling this way for quite some time, and, luckily for me, Nate Silver does the math. Nate on gay marriage: Unsurprisingly, there is a very strong correspondence between the religiosity of a state and its […]
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