Tag: Marriage Equality
Federal Court Says Texas’ Gay Marriage Ban Is Unconsitutional

Oh yes, I just wanted to write that headline! Remember that a court striking down Texas’ anti-sodomy laws brought us Lawrence V Texas too — invalidating the remaining anti-sodomy laws on several states’ books. From TPM:
{Judge Orlando} Garcia, a Bill Clinton appointee, wrote in his decision that Texas’ constitutional ban on same-sex marriage violates equal protection rights under the Fourteenth Amendment.
“Texas’ current marriage laws deny homosexual couples the right to marry, and in doing so, demean their dignity for no legitimate reason,” he wrote. “Accordingly, the Court finds these laws are unconstitutional and hereby grants a preliminary injunction enjoining Defendants from enforcing Texas’ bans on same-sex marriage.”
All my marriage equality cartoons
Well, the sun rose today outside my tiny house in Bear, so I guess that means gay marriage wasn’t as big a deal as all the haters made it out to be. It’s been a long road to get to this moment, and a trail of my gay marriage cartoons tells the tale.
General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Report: Tues., April 30, 2013
A HUGE week coming up in Dover.
HB 75(Smith) will be considered in the Senate Executive Committee this Wednesday. If you have not yet contacted your senators, especially if your senator is either Cathy Cloutier or Bethany Hall-Long, now is the time to do so. Be friendly and positive, and encourage them to do the right thing. Marriage equality is RIGHT THERE, do everything you can to help push it over the top.
Residents in manufactured homes communities are back and they’re seeking justice. So are the overlords, who have thrown campaign cash around to legislators in large quantities. Except, of course, in their case, they’re paying to ensure a continuation of injustice. Meaning that, this year, legislators will either have to do the right thing or face the electoral consequences for siding with their wealthy (and amoral) contributors. And, yes, we will be naming names, both legislators and contributors. SB 33 will be introduced this week, and, once again, all it asks is that these landlords be required to justify rent increases that are larger than the rate of inflation. There will likely not be a more important legislative battle between Good and Ee-vil to be fought this year. Choose sides.
After a disorganized committee meeting last week, the House Judiciary Committee convenes solely to consider a motion to release the death penalty repeal bill from committee:
Due to time constraints at the end of the April 24 Judiciary Committee meeting because the House Chamber needed to be vacated for session, action on a motion on Senate Bill 19 was not completed. This April 30 (Tuesday) meeting on Senate Bill 19 is being held solely for the purpose of taking action on a motion regarding the bill. There will not be an additional public comment period.
Happy New Year Delaware!

When it comes to the end of the year, I’ve always preferred to look ahead, and with Governor Markell saying he expects Delaware to take up marriage equality, 2013 is already looking bright and promising.
Marriage Equality in Delaware in 2013?
Governor Markell spoke to the Huffington Post and tells them that he thinks that marriage equality in Delaware might be as close as 2013, when he expects the legislature to take it up. That is a surprise and it is good news.
Going to the Chapel……..
Well, in less than six months time, the gay community has scored another victory. In a 2-1 decision, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Proposition 8 was unconstitutional. It also upheld a decision that the original trial judge was not biased in deciding the case because he is gay.
Parish Does the Right Thing
We’ve all smacked around Sussex County Clerk of the Peace George Parish for his vehement opposition to both civil unions and marriage equality. But yesterday he did the correct thing and presided over the county’s first same-sex civil union. The ceremony united Milton Town Councilwoman Mary Hudson and her long-time partner Lynn Ekelund. Parish is […]
See, teh Gays Really Do Destroy Traditional Marriage
The gay community in Minnesota has apologized for ruining traditional marriage. It seems they forced a conservative Republican Christianist nutjob to cheat on her husband.
Could This Happen in Sussex
When a person is elected to public office, the take an oath to uphold the laws and Constitution of the State. Unfortunately, some think they can pick and choose which laws to obey and enforce. Sussex County Clerk of Peace George Parrish isn’t sure how he will respond to the new Civil Unions bill.
Out of the Mouths of Babes
I know a few adults who could learn something from this kid. Bachmann, Santorum, Fu**us on the Family – maybe you should watch the video.
Change In My Lifetime
Real change takes a long time and a lot of hard work. No one has worked harder for change than LGBT activists and it’s paid off. Bill Clinton signed DADT (remember this was considered a step forward at the time) and DOMA. In 2004, Republicans were putting anti-marriage equality laws on the ballot to boost […]
Bitter Tears
The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) is not throwing in the towel in opposition to marriage equality and is promising to seek retribution on the Republican NY senators who voted yes.
All Eyes On New York – Marriage Equality Vote Tonight
A bill to bring marriage equality to the state of New York will be voted on tonight.
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