Tag: Mayor Race
Wilmington Mayor’s Race — Gloves Coming Off Edition

There is a crazy amount of campaign material that is coming in my mail on a daily basis and I probably shouldn’t admit that I look at all of it. Mainly to assess campaign strategies and wonder at the fact that I sometimes hear more from candidates who are supposed to represent me via these crazy mailings than I do in RL (*cough* Bob Marshall *cough*). Anyway, yesterday’s mail produced the first real hit piece I’ve seen for the Mayor’s race — there may be others that I don’t get, but this one made me chuckle.
Not Buying the Most Dangerous City in America Label
You know by now that Parenting Magazine put out a piece yesterday that states that Wilmington is the most violent city in America, ahead of places like St. Louis, Baltimore and New Orleans:
More Wilmington Mayor Debates
There are two more debates and then I think that we’re done with debates before the primary. I think that the candidates are tired of this process, but so farr, all of the debates have been really well attended — a good indicator of the level of interest in this election. So the next two:
Wilmington Mayor Debate — WHYY Event
WHYY hosted their debate featuring the Democratic primary contenders for Wilmington Mayor Tuesday night (8/14) at U of D. This debate was the culmination of a process where WHYY hosted multiple forums around the city to get input from people in the city as to what questions they would specifically want candidates to address. The actual debate was about an hour long, maybe a little more because of some technical glitch at the beginning. The venue was maybe 60% full, with little pockets of each candidate’s partisans.
Guest Post: Westside Wilmington Mayoral Debate
This summary of the Monday 6 August Mayoral Debate focused on Wilmington’s Westside and their revitalization program was offered as a comment by Kiki to the thread I posted with notice of this event. I thought this was an excellent summary and worthy of its own post.
Wilmington West Side Candidates Night
Wilmington candidates for Mayor and City Council will be at this event Monday night, August 6 that specifically focuses on Wilmington’s West Side. Sponsored by Westside Grows, this event is meant to give residents of the West Side of Wilmington a chance to hear how candidates will help them to address their specific issues and in how to help them to implement their Neighborhood Revitalization Plan.
Wilmington Mayor Debate — Sponsored by Delaware Agents for Change
There is a Mayoral Debate tonite, sponsored by the Delaware Agents for Change at Elizon Fair Baptist Church. This is the first debate with the final field of candidates. Details below. Date and Time: Thurs., 19 July 2012, 6:00 to 8:30 pm Location: Ezion Fair Baptist Church 1400 B St, Wilmington, DE 19801 Doors open […]
WHYY Sponsors Wilmington Voter Forums
WHYY will sponsor another round of voter forums designed to let Wilmington voters frame the issues that they want Mayoral candidates to address in an upcoming televised debate. This is NOT a candidate forum, but this is a place where voters can come together to provide input to the kind of questions they want Mayoral candidates to answer. They did this in 2010 in prep ration for televised debates for DE Senate and representative races. Both Pandora and I went to the one held in the city that year and we were impressed with this process and what came out of it. If you have the chance to go, I highly recommend it.
City of Wilmington Mayoral Cattle Call — Post July Filings Edition

So the primary filings are in and done and the primary for Mayor in Wilmington is officially set.
Pastor D Disqualified From Mayor’s Race

Reporting by the NJ this afternoon — the NCCo Department of Elections has made its ruling that Pastor D is not a qualified candidate for Mayor of Wilmington.
City of Wilmington Mayoral Cattle Call — Outsourced to Mayor Baker Edition
This is a quick inventory of recent news and goings on in Wilmington’s Mayor’s race. Last time we did this as shortly after the New Year, and even this won’t be a proper cattle call, but we’re going to let Mayor Baker do the honors via this video weighing in on the candidates so far (thanks to Newsworks.org):
Wilmington Mayoral Debate — Public Safety Edition
Last night, the two unions representing the Wilmington Police Department and the Wilmington Fire Department sponsored a Mayoral Debate held at the Chase Center. Candidates Kelley, Johnson, Montgomery, Williams, Spencer and Bovell (!) attended, and Senator Marshall sat this one out again. This one was not open to the public, which accounts for the kind of topics covered. Much of the night’s focus was less on issues of public safety and alot more in union issues. Not much of a surprise, I guess, but there’s something quite corrective in being in a room full of police and firefighters where citizen safety was a topic addressed by just a couple of the candidates.
Impressions of the First Wilmington Mayoral Town Hall
Last night was the first Mayoral Town Hall or Debate sponsored by WDEL. This forum played to a standing room only crowd (they did indeed stop people from coming in after awhile). All of the known candidates were there except for Bovell and Bobby Marshall. I was there with some friends and here’s what I think of the field so far.
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