Tag: Mayor Race
Reminder! — First Wilmington Mayoral Town Hall Tonight
Just received notice from WDEL that they will be hosting the first Town Hall (titled the Future of Wilmington) featuring the current crop of Wilmington Mayoral candidates next Monday, 30 January 2012 at 6PM at the Wilmington campus of Delaware Technical & Community College.
City of Wilmington Mayoral Cattle Call — New Year 2012 Edition

The new year sees some firming up of plans for this race, and there has been some intersting movement since the last time we did this, in the Fall. For those of you following the broader narrative, you can see the first Cattle Call from 2010.
Paul Calistro Announces for Mayor of Wilmington
Paul Calistro told friends and supporters over this holiday weekend that he was definitely IN as a candidate for the Mayor of Wilmington for 2012.
How Not To Be Mayor
Let’s start with the announcement rollout on Monday by Charles Potter and Dennis Williams – as I noted in my Sunday post, the Williams announcement was expected sometime this week. Yet Monday afternoon, Potter sends an email to his list declaring for Williams’ Representative seat, clearly catching Williams off-guard (see Esteban Parra’s article here).
City of Wilmington Mayoral Cattle Call — Fall 2011 Edition

April 2010 was the last time we did this cattle call and there’s been alot of movement in this list since then to report on. Or, at least, there has been strong rumor of a big change to the who’sin-who’s out churn that has been going on the past year and so obsessing folks in Wilmington this weekend to revisit this list:
City of Wilmington Mayoral Race Cattle Call — Spring 2010 Edition

Adam Taylor of the News Journal does the work of rounding up the declared and the rumored, so I can do this without appearing to betray any confidences. This list fairly humorous, especially if looking a this field in its entirety. But many kudos to Adam for doing this and for having this story picked up everywhere — I first heard it this AM on WHYY.
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