Tag: Meta

The Problem With Republican Philosophy: Is It Just Stale?

Filed in National by on June 15, 2009 101 Comments

John Cole proposes a question: My question is: is there anything inherent in whatever conservatism is supposed to be that makes it less interested in reality? Anything in liberalism that makes it more interested in reality? Or is this all a historical accident? And is there a big political disadvantage to focusing on governing as […]

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Best Internet Fundraising Pitch Ever

Filed in National by on July 17, 2008 9 Comments

Really, just go see. Sean Tevis is running for State Rep in Kansas where the so-called “intelligent designers” are working hard to make sure that their kids know as little as possible when they leave school. And the ask is only for 8.34. This is spirited and funny and creative as all get out — […]

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