Tag: Mike Purzycki

Carper, Carney, Hall-Long and Purzycki Absent from Women’s March

Filed in Delaware by on January 22, 2017 33 Comments
Carper, Carney, Hall-Long and Purzycki Absent from Women’s March

The following Delaware Democratic Party leaders were absent from the Women’s March on Saturday: Tom Carper, John Carney, Bethany Hall-Long, and Mike Purzycki. I’m sure their Delaware Way base are extremely happy.

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Purzycki Announces Actions Against Shootings

Filed in Delaware by on January 17, 2017 1 Comment
Purzycki Announces Actions Against Shootings

Mayor Mike Purzycki and Police Chief Bobby Cumming announced on Monday a step-up in police actions in Wilmington to combat the uptick in shootings in Wilmington.

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Wilmington Mayor’s Race — Undecided Leads the Pack

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on July 12, 2016 11 Comments
Wilmington Mayor’s Race — Undecided Leads the Pack

The News Journal released the results of their poll last night, which shows the race being much closer than the common wisdom (including mine) would have suggested. Here’s the numbers:

Kevin Kelly 18%
Mike Purzycki 14%
Dennis Williams 13%
Theo Gregory 11%
Eugene Young 9%
Norm Griffiths 8%
Robert Marshall 2%
Maria Cabrera 2%
Undecided 21%

The margin of error on this poll is 5.8 and reached landlines only. This surveyed likely Democratic voters. This polly also asked about registration and primary practices — where we find that this group of likely Democratic voters think that it should be easier to switch parties to vote and that primaries should be open.

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Wilmington Mayoral Debate on Public Safety

Filed in Delaware by on May 31, 2016 62 Comments
Wilmington Mayoral Debate on Public Safety

Last Thursday evening, there was another debate among the Mayoral candidates for Wilmington (except the current Mayor — who apparently does not think he needs to explain or be accountable for his dismal record in this area). This one was focused on public safety and was sponsored by the News Journal and WHYY and held at the Grand. There have been quite a few debates/ public forums for Mayoral candidates in the last month or so, reflecting the very high interest in this race around town. It is a perfect situation for the kind of retail politics that Delaware is famous for and is a perfect setup for all of the organisations around town who feel that they need to work at supporting the public conversation. What you know from talking to people at these events is that there is a great deal of sensitivity about the crossroads Wilmington seems to be on and a great deal of motivation to try choose someone who will move the City in a much better direction. Public safety is a very large issue — but it is almost always entwined with discussions on education, re-entry, jobs. This is important, I think, because it indicates that many of the most interested voters in Wilmington understand that public safety is a complex issue and that city government has not been a good leader in addressing these issues. While reducing shootings and other criminal behavior is a priority, Wilmingtonians seem ready to hear about long-term prevention strategies as well.

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Results of the Complexities of Color Wilmington Mayoral Debate Focus Group

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on May 25, 2016 6 Comments
Results of the Complexities of Color Wilmington Mayoral Debate Focus Group

You’ll remember that the CoC in conjunction with the Metropolitan Urban League Young Professionals, Delaware Young Democrats Minority Caucus and IMAC hosted a Mayoral Debate at Ezion Fair on April 18. One of the potentially interesting things that could come from that debate was some polling data — in the form of a focus group — that might start shedding some light on the state of this race. I’ve permission to share this results memo on Delaware Liberal (I will post the actual memo later today — I can’t do that from here right now):

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Wilmington Mayoral Debates at Ezion Fair

Filed in Delaware by on April 19, 2016 24 Comments
Wilmington Mayoral Debates at Ezion Fair

Last night was another big Mayoral debate, this one including the newly announced (but not filed) Maria Cabrera and finally showing up Dennis Williams. This debate was sponsored by the Complexities of Color Coalition, the Metropolitan Urban League Young Professionals, Interdenominational Ministers Action Council, Delaware Young Democrats Minority Caucus and Delaware Black and held at Ezion Fair church in Southbridge. This was really well attended and the audience was definitely there to be engaged. The NJ provides a bunch of the highlights of the evening, but I want to focus on some campaign themes emerging and a different cattle call at the end.

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Delaware Political Weekly: Jan. 8-14, 2016

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 15, 2016 10 Comments
Delaware Political Weekly: Jan. 8-14, 2016

Denise D. Bowers has filed to run against State Senator Cathy Cloutier for the 5th SD seat in Brandywine Hundred.  Based on registration, this projects as a competitive race. Current figures:  13,703 D; 11,169 R; and 8790 I.

Her candidacy does not come without questions.  She is a 21-year veteran of the Wilmington Police Department, although it’s not entirely clear that she was on duty for all that time.  She filed at least two legal actions concerning her job during her time on the force.  The first deals with compensation for a scar on her knee, aka a ‘ serious and permanent disfigurement’The second was a prolonged litigation concerning her ‘involuntary retirement’ from the force. In fact, even though she allegedly was a police officer until 2008, it is not clear whether she was on the job after 2005, when she suffered the knee injury mentioned in the second suit. A swift Google search also reveals several actions brought against Bowers and her husband for unpaid taxes on rental properties in Wilmington.  OTOH, Bowers is president of the Northwood Civic Association and is currently the State Director of the Treatment Access Center, the liaison between the Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health and the courts system.  I’m sure that some of you must have met her.  I need feedback, pipples!

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