Tag: National Republicans
Putting the Rude in Rudy
Yesterday, while making a speech to the NRA, Rudy took a cell phone call from his wife. Perhaps this was theater, but I have a strict rule that if you are in a job interview and your wife calls, let it ring. Better yet, turn it off before you enter the interview. Anything less is […]
Patriot Day: Larry Craig, Come Clean!
I would like to explain to you all why Senator Craig will be vindicated and potentially get the Vice Presidential nomination. He is a secret agent in the culture wars. Just like any war, it is important to have spys. In order to gather effective information spys sometimes have to go under deep cover. Haven’t […]
Brilliant tactical move
If you don’t pay the investigator investigating you, then well, he goes away… That is what I call changing the culture of corruption baby
“I’m Kind of Disappointed in You, Senator”
Take a few minutes and listen to the leaked audio of the police interview with Larry Craig. Say good night, Gracie.
Larry Craig (R-ID) Accused of Lewd (and Gay) Act
I almost tire of these stories. Larry Craig is accused of soliciting a sexual act in an airport mens room. Then he pulled an Atkins and handed his Senate business card and said “What do you think about that?” No word on whether he was trying to pick the cop up or not with that […]
What Motivates Gonzo to Stay?
I have been pondering this question for a few weeks now (when I haven’t been too exhausted to think…). This isn’t a pleasant experience for Gonzo. He has been called a liar, a lap dog, an idiot and several other terms that are more derogatory. So why doesn’t he quit? Why doesn’t Bush tell him […]
Bloomberg Flees GOP
After spending a few days trashing the GOP, Bloomberg decided to part ways with his “party of convenience” and go independent. ‘Bout time. Now he can trash his predecessor full-time.
“Sorry, The Senator Can’t Meet With You. He’s Really Buried…No REALLY Buried”
The Secretary of HHS (of all departments) tried to set up a meeting with Senator Craig Thomas last Thursday. Unfortunately for all involved, Thomas had already been dead for 3 days. It was in the papers and on TV. But word didn’t get out to whoever was setting up meetings at HHS. Fox News must […]
Thompson Eats Romney’s Lunch
According to a new LA Times poll, Flipp Romney has dropped to 4th place behind Rudy(27%), Fred Thompson(21%) and McCain(12%). I’m not sure that this is a sign of Rudy’s or Fred’s strength or of the weakness of Romney. I have heard many a Republican state that they can’t believe a word out of Flipp’s […]
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