Tag: Newark

Kowalko, Ramone and Peterson Victorious!

Filed in Delaware by on February 23, 2009 12 Comments

Approximately 100 people showed up at the City Council meeting in Newark to register their displeasure with the proposed disproportional water rate increase for non-resident city water customers.  The bottom line of the whole affair is that the city relented in the opening moments of the meeting and made the rate increase a flat 15% […]

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City of Newark’s Bid to Rip Off Water Customers

Filed in Delaware by on February 19, 2009 17 Comments

Like many municipalities, the City of Newark runs its own water utility to serve its residents.  As a municipality, the city is answerable to their voters for excessive fees, taxes or rates.  Also like many municipalities, the city of Newark provides water service to non-city residents in neighborhoods adjacent to the city.  This is where […]

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