Tag: Olympics

QOD — Should the US Boycott the Sochi Olympics?

Filed in National by on August 7, 2013 11 Comments
QOD — Should the US Boycott the Sochi Olympics?

George Takei has a provocative blog post arguing that It’s Time to Move the Olympics:

It’s been bubbling for some time, but the controversy over Russia’s draconian “gay propaganda” law has now boiled over.Last week, Russia’s Sports Minister confirmed that the country intends to enforce its laws against visiting LGBT athletes, trainers and fans, meaning anyone even so much as waving a rainbow flag (and I presume many men enthusiastically watching and dramatically commenting on figure skating) would be arrested, held for weeks and then deported.Given this position, the IOC must do the right thing, protect its athletes and the fans, and move the 2014 Winter Olympics out of Russia.

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Calling All Fashion Police: The Olympic 2012 US Uniforms

Filed in National by on July 12, 2012 15 Comments
Calling All Fashion Police:  The Olympic 2012 US Uniforms

The uniforms (at least the Opening Cenremony ones) were unvieled this past Tuesday and they aren’t getting good reviews. Designed by Ralph Lauren and Made in China, these uniforms seem to be a disappointment everywhere. Think “Chariots of Fire” meets American Airlines flight attendant.

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