Tag: Open Thread
Sunday Open Thread [6.22.2014]
![Sunday Open Thread [6.22.2014] Sunday Open Thread [6.22.2014]](http://delawareliberal.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/TeaPartyRally-240x180.jpg)
Here’s another great read: Tea Party’s embarrassing irony: How its ideal nation rejects basic American beliefs. This has been pretty plain to most of us who have been watching these folks have their temper tantrum, but:
What I’d argue, rather, is that the Tea Party’s philosophy of government (again, as understood by Salam) has embedded within it an aversion to basic democratic principles that goes far beyond a typical contempt for Washington, politicians and pundits. When Salam writes that Teatopia is founded on a commitment to a “robust federalism” intended to let “different states … offer different visions of the good life” and allow citizens to “vote with their feet” by moving to whichever state best reflects their values, he’s not describing a common aversion to corruption or a distaste for political theater. He’s describing a childish and essentially anti-political belief that a return to an Articles of Confederation-style U.S. order — in which each state is more of a sovereign unto itself than a member of a larger American whole — will produce 50 mini-nations where everyone basically agrees.
Wednesday Open Thread (01-15-14)

Here’s a story that makes me hate people. Just go read the post. Calling a dying woman’s tweets about her, you know, dying, “deathbed selfies” is vile. Seriously, what is wrong with these people? If you have other feelings about how people should live or die, you can keep them to yourself, Keller family and mouth-breathers at Fishbowl DC. No one asked you, and no one ever will.
Saturday Open Thread [12.21.13]
![Saturday Open Thread [12.21.13] Saturday Open Thread [12.21.13]](http://imgick.nj.com/home/njo-media/width620/img/gloucestercounty_impact/photo/13958015-mmmain.jpeg)
As pointed out in the open thread last night, the Deputy State Treasurer has been denied her request to return to a Merit job following her medical leave and resignation from the Department of the Treasury. So we have an employee of the Treasury who resigned her office, but took a medical leave to deal with an unnamed situation, who is back in the office now (doing what?) and is now told by OMB that she will not be allowed to return to the merit system. And of course, Chip Flowers is still pointing fingers (at the OMB) and is now threatening them:
“I am very concerned that the OMB continues to publicly talk about personnel matters, which clearly violates the state’s privacy and confidentiality policies,” Flowers said. “While I recognize that Director Visalli and the staff of OMB, if the state gets sued, would not have to write a personal check, I think it’s egregious they’re willing to put taxpayers on the hook for a large lawsuit just to cover their you-know-whats in public.”
Tuesday Open Thread (4-02-13)
Looks like the crew of DL is swamped today.
In the spirit of the season and what would Jesus do scenario, a Georgia town has made gun ownership mandatory. Don’t worry, the ordinance doesn’t carry penalties. Just another example of lawmakers wasting taxpayer money.
Easter Open Thread [3.31.13]
Happy Easter, everyone! Have you gotten to the part of the day where you and yours are creating new tortures for those horrifying Peeps?
Tuesday Open Thread (02-26-13)
Thought I’d take a stab at the open thread. I’m really trying to figure out the Republican position on sequester. This is what I’ve come up: Blame Obama for the cuts we love. Ezra Klein doesn’t understand the Republican position either.
Wednesday Open Thread [12.26.12]
![Wednesday Open Thread [12.26.12] Wednesday Open Thread [12.26.12]](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-7ZGTLjMUwB0/Tx2Tt11xZTI/AAAAAAAABOE/C9h-osi3yZg/s1600/happy-boxing-day-what-is-boxing-day.jpg)
Happy Boxing Day, everybody! I hope everyone got what they wanted this year, and if they didn’t, may the New Year treat them (and all of us) kindly. How’s your family?
The Six Day Coup at FreedomWorks shows that wingnuts really are crazy, greedy, destructive SOBs, even behind the closed doors of their own organizations.
Sunday Open Thread [4/15/12]
![Sunday Open Thread [4/15/12] Sunday Open Thread [4/15/12]](http://delawareliberal.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/april-15.png)
So what’s on your mind today? Tax Day this year is April 17, but in honor of everyone who is trying to get their taxes in order today, we have this video showing you how to get a tax rate like Mitt Romney’s. This video is about 1 minute long and put down all drinks first. It’s hilarious!
Monday Open Thread [2.27.12]
Sorry this Open Thread is late — much going on today. Please be sure to see Pandora’s excellent blogging on the Red Clay mess and be sure to pass this info on to your friends and relatives who might live in Red Clay. She’s done an excellent job of turning over the rock that is Red Clay decision-making.
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