Tag: Open Thread
Wednesday Open Thread
Well, I’ve had an interesting morning so far. The police knocked on my door at 2 AM to inform us that me and my husband’s cars had been vandalized with graffiti. Apparently some geniuses went through the neighborhood and spray painted a lot of cars and even some houses. My husband and I then spent […]
Tuesday Open Thread
Welcome to the first official day of our Socialist Nightmare. President Obama signed the health care reform bill today and the Senate also begins debate the reconciliation sidecar bill. So, are you ready for an open thread? Chris Matthews owes Rep. Alan Grayson an apology. In January, Chris Matthews dismissed the scoop given to him […]
Monday Open Thread
Welcome comrades, to your new Socialist Utopia. All citizens are required to report to the nearest Death Panel for processing. It’s open thread time! The major work of health care reform legislation is over, but there is still the reconciliation package to pass in the Senate: The House approved the Senate bill last night, warts […]
Weekend Open Thread
Welcome to the first day of Spring! It certainly feels like spring out there. I’ve been puttering around in my yard this afternoon. This is a big weekend – tomorrow the House votes on the health care reform bill. It’s still down to the wire but the House Democrats are seeming increasingly confident. So, let’s […]
Friday Open Thread
w00t for Friday! How are your NCAA picks doing? I’ll bet none of you picked Murray State. You should know that teams connected to me do well. Pick Murray State (my parents’ alma mater), Kentucky (my home state), Wisconsin (my alma mater) and you’ll do well. I’ve won exactly 0 of brackets I’ve picked in […]
Thursday Open Thread
I hope everyone’s not too hung over from last night’s St. Patrick’s Day celebrations. Today we go back to not celebrating Irish heritage. Are you ready for an open thread? Let’s thread. Heckuva job CNN! CNN has hired Red State‘s Erick Erickson to be their newest contributor to their politics coverage. Erick Erickson has had […]
St. Patrick’s Day Open Thread
Today is St. Patrick’s Day, a celebration of all things Irish. I hope you’re all wearing green and drinking green beer in celebration. I thought I’d share some St. Patrick’s Day facts (from History.com): The Celebration Corned beef and cabbage is a traditional St. Patrick’s Day dish. In 2007, roughly 41.5 billion pounds of U.S. […]
Tuesday Open Thread
Welcome to Tuesday. I think we must have survived the Breitbartocalypse. I don’t feel any different. It’s definitely feeling like spring around here. My crocuses have bloomed and my daffodils will bloom any day now. I find it kind of amazing how spring this year was almost like a light switch. We were in winter […]
Monday Open Thread
Beware the Ides of March! Today is the Ides of March and also the Breitbartocalypse. At this time tomorrow the “institutional left” will have ceased to exist. I suppose you’ll only see a blank page here tomorrow. We will all have been raptured or something. It’s pretty unclear what Breitbart meant. Stay tuned! Let’s open […]
Weekend Open Thread
Welcome to a rain-soaked, windy open thread. I don’t know about you but I think I’m actually living in a marsh. Are you ready for an open thread? Texas decided to cut Thomas Jefferson out of its history standards. He so inconvenient after all, with his insistence that there is a separation between church and […]
Friday Open Thread

TGIF! It looks like the wonderful spring-like sunny weather is not going to hold through the weekend, unfortunately. Let’s roll with the open thread. Democrats overwhelmingly want to pass the health care reform bill. I understand how they’re feeling, I’m sick of the delays. Roughly five out of six members of MoveOn favor passing the […]
Thursday Open Thread
Welcome to Thursday and welcome to your open thread. As usual, I’ll provide a couple of links for you to talk about if you wish but there is nothing that is off-topic in an open thread. A story spread all over the rightwing news media about a ban on fishing by the Obama administration. The […]
Wednesday Open Thread
Welcome to Wednesday! Is anyone else finding this week incredibly long? It’s time for your open thread, so tell us what’s on your mind. Hey, I love this news but with all news about diet take it with a grain of salt: Led by Dr. Lu Wang, preventive-health experts at Brigham conducted the first long-term […]
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